Apr 30, 2006 20:09
Today wasn’t a bad day you know.
I almost, yes almost, overslept for Astronomy but in the end got a lift from my Dad. He isn’t too bad I suppose when I let him. We just have a long running history of not getting along. Astronomy was alright. I’ve discovered I have a knack for telling stories in my doodles. I think the margin thing of my notebook is going to be filled with them. Too bad it won’t help me with my exam. Imagine this:
Q 1: How would you find the luminosity of a star?
A: Well, I don’t know because in the lesson we learnt that, I was too busy drawing a little cartoon strip type thing where the girl has to get past sharks and sea farmers to rescue her true love who is stuck on a desert island. Do I get a point for creativity? I think not.
I also managed to tidy up, which is great by my books. I think it’s the second week of me tidying up. Whoop! Go me! And I also put the stuff I promised I’d get up here onto a USB pen thing my sister has, which means I can update and also put up those one-shots as well as my icon thingys. I think I’ll put them as separate entry things otherwise this is going to be long. Oh, and I managed to write a story for 30 Minute fics which is great as well!
You know what? I feel great!
I’ve also decided to go onto this new diet plan where I eat when I’m hungry and keep active. So far I feel great. I’ve got more energy and I don’t feel hungry. My body doesn’t think I’m starving so won’t keep the fat. I’m expecting to put on a few pounds but after that I’m expecting to lose since I’ll be more active and my metabolism will be higher. Size 12 here I come!
And you know what? Tomorrow is a bank holiday!
No school! Whoop! And I’m hyper. *sigh* I think it was the Oasis I drunk. Oasis has this affect on me. I’m typing so fast I didn’t even know I could. I should drink Oasis more often but I think I’m going to crash if I do.
**~**Goes to dinner**~**
Wow! I’m still hyper! And I’m full up. Definitely. Time to get one with some work with this uploading stuff. *cracks fingers* This hyper thing is working for me.