Nov 13, 2006 22:18
wow this whole past weekend has been interesting since friday....
well friday-saturday was the yumacon and it was interesting.. a little eh
(ryan claims its because my johnny wasn't there.... O:-])
but i did get some cool prizes =-)
but i did sprain my ankle afterwards >_<
hmm when u sit indian style dont walk right away.... bc i got up and rolled my ankle :-X
so this past week was horrible trying to get around off and on with crutches and then being all gimpie
homework is kicking me in the butt so yeah thats prett much all with me
school is going allright though hopefully everything will settledown enough so ican start working on my annonated bib. and christine's 8page paper that i havent even thought about.
since ihave a 8pg paper due next week (group paper)
well i got home from work
andd well it sucks
i'm sore
and feel ughy :(
i took a big ass nap :(