Sep 27, 2005 00:55
Well, for some reason today I kept looking at various websites that contained poor, homeless little kitties (and cats). I don't know why I started the torture process so early, it's not like I can actually have one of these little cutiepies any time soon (2 1/2 more months mang). And of course, while looking, I fell in love with about....oh.....all of them. I saw a kitty with one eye missing and a kitty with it's legs deformed (the front paws were where the kittens front knees should be, amongst all the other hundreds of cats I looked at. It really doesn't matter if I get an older cat or a kitten, I just want to save one and spoil it rotten.
I think I have a proneness for going for animals that have a disability of some sort. See, the best pet I've ever had was a cat with Cerebral Palsy. Her name was Skippy because she could not walk properly...she kind of skipped. Well, her name kind of says it all ;)
I remember walking home from the bus stop one day when I was about 6 years old. There was this kitten following me, meowing and shaking her head from side to side. I instantly thought she was the cutest thing ever and wanted to bring her back home with me. She followed me all the way down the street, like a loyal dog would, but my mom said we could not have her, that she belonged to someone else.
Well, Skippy's previous owners had a son whom I caught chasing her with a butter knife. So, you can pretty much guess what happened next. I snatched her up, snitched on the boy, and Skippy became my little buddy. She lived a good 12 or 13 years before my mom put her down. Her Cerebral Palsy got so bad she couldn't keep her head still long enough to eat and the food that she did get down, she threw right back up. *sigh*
So I'm really depressed, lol.