Thing's to do before summer ends:
1. Lots of reading and essay writing, stupid fucking AP classes. S MY D.
2. Go out and actually find a job, because i've been unsuccessful so far.
3. Buy myself a new straightener, because mine decided it wanted to stop working because it hates me.
4. Get my stupid permit so i can take driver's ed this fall. DRIVING! YESSSS!
5. Go to my school and check out my locker and all that jazz.
6. Buy my mommy a birthday present, even though she didn't buy me one.
7. Convince my dad that it's time we entered the 21st century and purchased cell phones.
8. Actually do all the things on this list, because i've been putting them off for a month.
1st period. math III adv w/ maddalena
2nd period. gym w/ pascarella (a) / AP bio lab w/ cupo (b)
3rd period. AP bio w/ cupo
4th period. english adv w/ krinsky
5th period. pre-calc adv w/ o'reilly
6th period. AP us w/ figs
7th period. spanish 4 w/ foley
8th period. lunch/band
9th period. lunch/band
Kill me.