Improv Glory

Sep 22, 2002 00:40

Hehe, I found this little gem amongst the folder of saved IM convo's that I've had. Take a look, it's a gem.

LilCowboy183: fear the ARCH NIPPLE!
ThLuvOctopus: never!!!
LilCowboy183: fool! this lacticious villain is but pure evil in nipple form! to not fear it is to sign your own death certificate!
ThLuvOctopus: speak for yourself, cur. i have had blood, milk, and ass liquide poured onto me by such vile beasts. the only one i would ever sucumb to would be
LilCowboy183: hmmm...yes, a fearsome foe, to be sure
LilCowboy183: have ye ever encountered such a beast?
ThLuvOctopus: indeed, once
ThLuvOctopus: the scars on my back are but a sheer sign of how lucky i am
LilCowboy183: *looks them over* my god...
ThLuvOctopus: lucky to have ducked but an inch, or surely my ass would have been splayed in twain
LilCowboy183: that's a war story if i ever heard one
LilCowboy183: how did you escape?
ThLuvOctopus: fortunatly, if not gross, i was jetisoned by the spurt of seminal fluid bursting from ARCH DICKHOLE, for which i was able to ride safely into the
sea, where i grappped a tuna, hoping to scare the dickhole off by the foul stench of possible unclean vagina
LilCowboy183: and it worked?!
ThLuvOctopus: its worked my friend it worked. the story is not a happy ending tho
LilCowboy183: ...the tuna didn't make it?
ThLuvOctopus: besides the scars, anything i touched that was female spread its foul seed into the loins of that female, for the sperm was that hearty
ThLuvOctopus: so now there are atleast ten to twenty different species of ARCH DICKHOLE seed running around
LilCowboy183: my GOD! is there no way to purge the unholiness?!
ThLuvOctopus: ive heard another myth
ThLuvOctopus: ....
ThLuvOctopus: you may have as well
ThLuvOctopus: if you do jump right in, if not i would happily impart this information at possible salvation
LilCowboy183: hmm, go on
ThLuvOctopus: ....well, they call it the GOLDEN CLAM
LilCowboy183: *shivers*
LilCowboy183: matey, i know it well
LilCowboy183: i've tackled it many a time
LilCowboy183: and the damn thing never goes down
ThLuvOctopus: lets hear your story
LilCowboy183: keeps coming back for more...
LilCowboy183: yar, i'll tell ye of the first encounter i had with the GOLDEN CLAM
ThLuvOctopus: and the whole, so wide, its impossible to fill it
ThLuvOctopus: hole*
ThLuvOctopus: impossible i say!!!
LilCowboy183: yarrr!
LilCowboy183: that's only part of the problem
ThLuvOctopus: go on...
LilCowboy183: you see, me and m' mates were sailing that fine, sunny day
ThLuvOctopus: you weave a fine tale
LilCowboy183: yar, the air was crisp, salty, beautfiul i say
ThLuvOctopus: salty like the sea!
LilCowboy183: and then, out yonder we see it coming from over the horizon
LilCowboy183: and it's coming at us fast
LilCowboy183: the most dreadful sight this poor buccaneer has ever set eyes upon...
LilCowboy183: *shakes head*
LilCowboy183: pubes like tendrils
LilCowboy183: snatching men from m' ship
LilCowboy183: tossing them into the insatiable hole
ThLuvOctopus: snatching you say?!!
LilCowboy183: snatching i say!!
ThLuvOctopus: tossing them like salad?!!
ThLuvOctopus: yarrr*fearfully*
LilCowboy183: the pubes i say, more powerful than 100 men
LilCowboy183: it clutched at m' ship, clinging tighter than a barnacle to a dingy
ThLuvOctopus: atleast ya land lubber, atleast!!1
ThLuvOctopus: 120 men in my eye
LilCowboy183: yar, it's dreadful strong, to be sure
LilCowboy183: a grip tighter than that of a drunkard to his mug of ale
LilCowboy183: for it started cracking my ship apart...
ThLuvOctopus: how did a scallywag like ye be survive suck a disaster
LilCowboy183: me? well, i did the most sensible thing...i threw him the rest of my crew and made escape in one of the life boats while it was preoccupied with
eating m' men
ThLuvOctopus: a sure bet to be sure. nothin like expendable scurvey sailer yar?
LilCowboy183: yar, when the going gets tough, kill the crew! that's my motto
ThLuvOctopus: so they all swabbed that poop deck eh?
LilCowboy183: we didn't have a poop deck on our ship, matey
LilCowboy183: we called it the 'shit plank'
ThLuvOctopus: clevaRRR!
LilCowboy183: har har haRRRR!
LilCowboy183: yar, we're a pair of mateys with some fine war stories, to be sure
ThLuvOctopus: so you know the GOLDEN CLAM first hand?
LilCowboy183: i do
LilCowboy183: wish i didnt *sadly* yarrr...
ThLuvOctopus: my plan, is to get ARCH DICKHOLE to pay a little visit to the GOLDEN CLAM, and then to davy jones locker for sure. yar!!
LilCowboy183: my god! do you think it would work?!
ThLuvOctopus: to be sure. i just dont know what to do with that damned GOLDE CLAM
ThLuvOctopus: i say we need a thing called...peej or something
ThLuvOctopus: ive heard tales, but nothin i ever saw with my own eye
LilCowboy183: you speak 'wang magic'
LilCowboy183: of*
ThLuvOctopus: yar.....
ThLuvOctopus: so you know of the secret wang magic
LilCowboy183: *waves question off* it's legend, my boy, just a foolish tale wives tell their wee ones at bedtime...
ThLuvOctopus: i think the bloody bastard could shuv a wang full of lesson into that golden clam, but yar, ye are right, old wives tales
LilCowboy183: yarrr....but if it did exist...that'd be the answer to our prayers
LilCowboy183: i'd be able to sail once again *looks wistful*
ThLuvOctopus: *a ters steaks out my one good eye* to be on the open seas....
ThLuvOctopus: yar!
LilCowboy183: YARR!
LilCowboy183: *holds up mug!* to sailing!
ThLuvOctopus: *drinks yours and my mug* to sailin!!!
ThLuvOctopus: *puts arm around ya like nothing happened*
ThLuvOctopus: yar!
LilCowboy183: *hand opening and closing on air* ...
ThLuvOctopus: good ale, what happened to yours?
LilCowboy183: ye one-eyed, scalywag! ye drank it!
ThLuvOctopus: "it was the asshole" says the parrot on top ye shoulder
ThLuvOctopus: it was poisened mate!
ThLuvOctopus: i didnt want ye ta die
LilCowboy183: *eyes you*
LilCowboy183: shouldn't ye be dyin'?
ThLuvOctopus: augghhh
ThLuvOctopus: *doubles over a little late**
ThLuvOctopus: ooooohhhhh
ThLuvOctopus: the poisen!
ThLuvOctopus: *dramatized anguish*
LilCowboy183: my was poisoned...
LilCowboy183: *draws gun and fires into your chest*
ThLuvOctopus: wait, my stomoach is so full of pirate ale, its fughting the poisen!!!
ThLuvOctopus: and bullets!!
LilCowboy183: i hate to see a good mate suffer...
LilCowboy183: it's my christian nature
LilCowboy183: as a pirate...
ThLuvOctopus: ohh that wasnt my chest, you shot me in me ass!!
LilCowboy183: huh? *checks sight on his pistol* how in the...?
ThLuvOctopus: it richoted off the main sail
ThLuvOctopus: your aim was off
ThLuvOctopus: oooohhhhhhhh
ThLuvOctopus: me arss
LilCowboy183: damn spaniards, can't make a proper pistol
LilCowboy183: is kinda funny though...
ThLuvOctopus: me arrrsssss!!
ThLuvOctopus: cripes, it hurts like the dickens!
LilCowboy183: dickens the arse?
ThLuvOctopus: similiar!!!
ThLuvOctopus: well matey, i gotta hobble off
LilCowboy183: alright, laddy. it was good trading stories and drinks with ya...
ThLuvOctopus: you autta save the convo. it was rich of good tales
LilCowboy183: hehe, i did =)
LilCowboy183: fun times
LilCowboy183: i love improv
ThLuvOctopus: later fella
LilCowboy183: see ya bud
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