Watch what you pray for....

Jul 30, 2009 13:48

Monday morning, in the shower where you do your best thinking, I prayed for something challenging to do at work. I should have been more specific. I don't recall asking for 5 (FIVE) things to be heaped on me at once. Granted a couple aren't due until the 14th, but O/` Lord have mercy on a poor soul like me... o/` Yeah yeah, I love my warped sense of humor.

Every so often over the past few months, I've prayed for a tall, cute, SINGLE, male to approach me on the elevator (as I'm shy and generally can't start up conversations). Tuesday, as I get ready to board the elevator inside the building to come to work, a girl (ok ok, a woman) got off that I used to work the job of 23 years that I was canned.....uhm, laid off from end of June 2004. This woman had backstabbed quite a few people. She came on board said company where another girl and I had been for 15 and 12 years, respectively, and planned to become our manager....over time. She constantly tried to prove she knew more than we did, but then would ask questions about how something was done. When the company went from WordPerfect and Harvard Graphics to Word and Excel, she told me that I had to learn the shortcuts. Mind you, at the time, I was swamped typing/coding/entering questionnaires leaving no time for the reports. She wound up leaving company a year or two after me, and sued them for something and wound up winning through sheer perseverance.

I'm only praying for my son's happiness now. :D
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