Jun 05, 2009 22:18
most of y'all won't know freeway names here in Plano (north of Dallas), Texas... but am using them anyway.
I'm toolin down Highway 121 (fixin to be a tollway and they're naming it Sam Rayburn) to go to my son's birthday dinner. I crest over Preston Road, in the right lane to take the next exit to the Dallas North Tollway, and I spy a car on the side of the road. Instantly, I realize it's a cop, a State Trooper (they do the highways, not the city streets). Should I mention that I've received ONE ticket in the past 9 years, all the cops (out of the 5 times I've been stopped - last time was 3 years ago or so - inspection sticker out of date "Yes, Sir, I'll get it inspected tonight") have let me go with a warning.
This sweet guy comes to my window, no "do you know why I stopped you" like I used to get. Noooo, he says "I clocked you doing 86 in a 70. May I see your driver's license and insurance?" I have them out and ready, hand them over. He looks, asks if I still live at the address, I do. Hands me back my insurance card, looks at the inspection and registration stickers (I've had my brand spanking new car since Dec 30, 2008), and looks at the VIN and license plate. Says he IS giving me a ticket, and to hold tight, he'll be right back. I text my son and get a "holy shit" back. My sis in law in a later text volley says "Leadfoot!"
Mind you, I'm drive Frisco and Allen streets to go to Sean's softball games and WATCH MY SPEED. I was on the FREAKING highway with tons of empty road ahead of me. Sue me, I'm the "little ol' lady from Pasadena". :D Always was an aspiration.
Anyway, back to the sweet State Trooper. "Please sign here, knowing it is not an admission of guilt. Here is the Frisco city numbers to call and .dmsdflkjsdfkjsd. You have until July 6 to get this taken care of." Not sure at this point what exactly he said. I walk into the restaurant, and one of Sean's friends greets me with "Hey Speed Demon." Apparently, he couldn't wait to tell, or maybe it was his reaction when he read the text. lol :P Smart ass. (Wonder who he gets that from? *blinkblink*) Sean says to ask for deferred adjudication. Will have to pay like $100 and swear not to get another ticket. Sunee says she'll go to defense driving with me. It's about time anyway. Her ticket was exactly 3 years ago, and we three took the DD course. Upside is that it lowers our insurance premiums somewhat.