Congrats sweets! Unfortunately, I can't open a word doc, otherwise I would love to read it. I know it most feel great to accomplish a goal. You and another friend of mine have been hit by the writing bug, and it is good to see the creativity that you guys have.
You wouldn't by chance have MS Works Word Processor, would you? If so, then I can read it.
I'm sure I could save it to .txt file if that would help?
I have a website with all my erotic short stories. My aunt suggested i lengthen them and find a publisher. In major book stores, there is a section (by romance) that specializes in the erotic. :)
would love love love to read it! Gawd It's been so darn long since I've used LJ I either no longer have an account or I've forgotten my pw. I suck, hey? Don't answer that :P
Comments 6
You wouldn't by chance have MS Works Word Processor, would you? If so, then I can read it.
I have a website with all my erotic short stories. My aunt suggested i lengthen them and find a publisher. In major book stores, there is a section (by romance) that specializes in the erotic. :)
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