yeah.. I was bored..thanks Jenny!

Nov 04, 2005 19:38

1. My uncle once: went sky diving
2. Never in my life: done any type of drug
3. When I was five: I climbed teh big tree in the backyard and got stuck lol
4. High School was/is: amazing...i miss it
6. I once met: hm...yeah u got me there
7. There's this girl I know who is: my best friend in the whole world!!
8. Once, at a bar: I got kicked out :(
9. By noon I'm usually: waking up
10. Last night I listened to: Danielle talk about her b/f ... again lol
12. Next time I go to church: I will pray for God to forgive me for all the times I don't go to church lol
15. When I turn my head left, I see: my dog, a coach, and a piano....
16. When I turn my head right, I see: the door to our laundry room...very exciting I know
18. How many days until my birthday?: 5 months
19. If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I'd be: Juliet...well that's one of teh only characters I know besides Romeo lol
20. By this time next year: Brit and I will be up at CMU and moved into our new apartment!
21. A better name for me would be: hm....anything more original than Megan
22. I have a hard time understanding:
23. When/If I ever go back to school I'll: does this question apply?
24. You know I like you if: I'm mean to u at first because I dont' want to get hurt by u...then after awhile I start warming up
25. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: My parents.
27. Take my advice: Never take no for an answer, don't give up on things you really believe in, and learn to let go.
28. My ideal breakfast is: French Toast!!!!
30. If you visit my hometown: you'll be bored out of ur mind lol
32. Why won't anyone: clean our dorm room
33. If you spend the night at my house: it would be amazing!!
34. I'd stop my wedding if: i suddenly realized that I wasn't in love with him.
35. The world could do without: boys that are dicks
36. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
37. My favorite blonde is: Casi
38. Paper clips are more useful than: paper weights
39. If I do anything well, it's: talk lol
40. And by the way: I love u man! lol
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