Well, I meant to write sooner but it didn’t happen. I had grand plans for this journal from every day since New Year’s up until this point. But, that didn’t work out and it’s been awhile. Ya know, I’ve always tended to be light on semi-publically documenting things that don’t exist solely in my imagination. So, really, when you think about it, it’s a whole lot like you’ve missed nothing. We can just pretend like I haven’t been gone at all.
Me? I’m Okay. I started a buisness.
World and National events: Gosh, weren’t we so much younger six whole months ago? I mean really. This world is nuts. Personally, I’m still reveling in thee whole ongoing apocalypse. For me, it’s been terrific. My point has been proven: Nobody knows what’s going on and everyone is brainwashed. No one keeps the dharma and we’re all suffering for it. And, my mood has dramatically improved.
My personal troubles with The Critical Narrative Prolapse have solely been centered on learning how to adjust how I filter information. For the last several years, I haven’t done a whole lot of trading. And, I have mostly abstained from paying attention to news and current events. Obviously, it’s hard to miss the bigleys, but it’s been nothing like the business sector detail I used to keep up on. I do not get the morning paper. Bloomberg and Conde Nast are no longer in play. And, that’s good, because overall I find listening to the world raga so dreary and stupid, it makes me want to eat my shirt.
During our time apart, I made some Indian friends. And, they all keep the dharma. And, part of keeping the Dharma is making the money. You don’t have to be rich. But, you really need to be doing your best to improve material conditions for yourself and everyone around you. You cannot uphold and protect the Dharma if you don’t have power. And, in this world, money is a basic form of power.
So, here we are.
After looking into it, I think the reason that cosmopolitan Asians, on average, make more money and are happier than everyone else is somehow related to this whole “keeping the dharma” bit as a cultural value. More or less, it boils down to the fact that, barring the discovery of any specific talent, their children are given a list of acceptable higher earning occupations and told to pick one. They are also raised with the idea that 50+ hour work week is acceptable and, in many cases, expected. And, they are raised to feel self-satisfied about it.
I was raised in a very similar way, as these are global bougie values. The whole group drive towards consistent effort to improve one’s conditions and to perfect one’s personal discipline speaks to me. Their basic ability to be super happy while doing it is something I find somewhat inexplicable. It’s expected even. I would really like to learn how to consistently pull off that trick.
These people know what the fuck is up. Hinduism, Guru Yoga, Sikhism, and Jainism, as presented in Texas, are all party religions. There’s some fucking sorta festival every month. It’s a lot like Anglo-Catholicism but with dancing, more color, and without everyone required to be so god-damned dower all the fucking time. This is one of the salient differences between Dharma religions and the Abrahamic faiths: Even if you’ve come up short and don’t like your life, you’re still allowed to feel good about things on a daily basis. I’m having a great time. It’s good. So, I’m a little bit into that right now
But, this observation also comes on the heel of the fact that my more recent forays into Islam and Judaism just wind up inviting me toward anger. Frankly it’s nice to explore a section of the Old Timey Religion that isn’t doggedly determined to be an inbred-retarding race to the bottom. Abrahamic faiths are just the worst. The only thing that makes Christianity, or any of them bearable, are their Greco-Roman elements. I know it’s supposedly -Our Duty- to learn how to love and transfigure these stupid fucking people. But, I have to confess this missive ultimately proves to be quite challenging in actual practice.
I just keep telling myself “They would be so much worse if they didn’t have Jesus.” I’m not sure that’s true. It took me quite long time slogging through the Christ Consciousness jungle to ferret out a position wherein my root religion was A) still recognizable for what it is and B) not found to be one of more penultimate sources of evil in this world. It’s all good now. But, being raised adjacent to certain forms of Protestantism is a significant hurdle.
My new friends are like “Hooker you need to generate multiple income streams, do Mangal puja, and start showing up to the 5AM yoga class.” And “OH, also, when you get time, please become a vegetarian and join our cult.” Given how fun and sparkly they all are, I’m sorta considering moving on in that direction.
The thing is, I can’t effectively trade anything other than fluctuations in pips, unless I’m aware of what’s happening in the world. And, as previously mentioned, the truth about “Knowing what’s happening in the world” is hat I just can’t be bothered with “whether or not being into watersports precludes you from winning a Nobel Prize” or a dozen other similar petty matters. I’m not into pretending that Elon Musk isn’t gauche. I’m not into pretending that forms of feminism that are also not super focused on eliminating gender oppression -as it exists in the House of Saud, the Emirates, and all other theocratic nations- are forms of humanism that are actually worth having. I don’t want to pretend that John Oliver is a news source. I simply don’t want to be conned into colonizing my mind, again, with all that insipid garbage. But, as a human being, if you’re going to live in that world, then it’s going to fucking happen.
These people are crazy if they think I’m doing that. I want a world populated with adults. Otherwise, I’m not doing any of this. But, they are like, “This is you having to clean the latrine bebe. This is what is needed”. They are like “You are not actually better than these people, despite everything that’s telling you that this is so.” The one that wounds most is “You are being stupid, selfish, and childish.”
They are not wrong. As a matter of course, they’ve all gone through worse than I have ever been challenged to go through. Let’s not pretend that the ask here is unreasonable. Let’s not pretend that this mystical world of “adults” isn’t an antiquated artifact of the past.
But, look it, we all just might really be little transitory points of the same ineffable consciousness. I admit, I’ve had that perception on more than one occasion. But, that does not mean that A) this perception has any real basis in reality and that B) I can’t simply opt out of anything that I damn well please.
But, on the other hand, I do like being someone else’s “Build-a-Bear” project. This is a role I have always always found super enjoyable. More or less, all’s you have to do is dangle the possibility of dramatic transformation and a training montage in front of me and I am totes your girl. That’s my favorite part of every story.
Besides, these women are all very attractive individuals. They are all smart, educated, and accomplished. They have a lot of grit. They are into a lot of the same things I am. We have loads fun. And, they are all cute and put themselves together well. I want more of people like that in my life.
(Who among us does not?)
Some part of me thinks, “Hey! Maybe the sex will be worth it”. BUT- in my really real experience- the sex has never ever been worth it. Not really. (Like, maybe I’ll think it was all worth it when I’m 80 and when nobody wants to fuck me.) And, in my experience, this stuff is always smoke & mirrors. (This can arguably can be a good thing) Also, in my experience, mudras are really just another form of prestidigitation. (Which again, isn’t so bad, really.) So, right now, this is all still a big ole hell no. There is nothing that’s going to get me off my middle aged ass, unless it’s something I actually decide that I’d like to do.
What I’d actually like to do is buy me a Canary Yellow Convertible and drive it across northern Canada during the hottest part of the summer. (Maybe next year) What I would not like to do is keep abreast of the current state of global group stupidity, and the echo chamber of brainwashing that’s happening there in, for fun and profit. I do not think we should - any of us- pretend like what’s happened here, on this here world stage is acceptable. We are not, as a group, behaving in the way I (or nearly anyone else I talk to) would actually like us to be. And, if this is how people are going to, as a group, choose to act, I want no part of it. We have other better options and I would sincerely like for us all to choose an alternative from among one of them.
But, apparently, nearly everyone else on the planet disagrees. Apparently, the rest of the world is adjusting just fine to the new reality in which “We have always been at war with Eurasia” just fine. And, despite not liking it very much, it seems like nearly everyone is okie doke with “going along to get along.”
I am not okay with this. But, I have never been a roll with the punches sort of person. And, the record is clear here; this is happening whether I like it or not. The current situation is not in my control. I have been overruled.
In this respect, I’m disappointed. I shouldn’t be. I knew it was like this. I told everyone this was happening before it happened. But, still, I am disappointed. I am like someone who’s eaten a whole pie, knew it would fatten them, and who is, none the less, still sad that now their pants don’t fit. As far as the world stage goes, I am experiencing wholly earned feelings of loss, shame, and regret. And, I don’t want to be bothered with any of it because I have projects to finish, grief to put a bow on, and cool nerd shit to do.
Me and my new buddies are at a temporary impasse.
------------------------- But enough of my personal complaints!
We know why you're here. We intend to give it to you. Everyone know's there’s really no such thing as a lilchiva LiveJournal post without a wad of esoteric nonsense thrown in. The magic hour is nigh upon us.
This is my spirit animal. I feel like this an awful lot. Like, for my almost whole entire life this has been my underlying psycho-social tableau. Anyone who knows the least little bit about me knows that this is 100% the case. You, dear reader, should keep that fact in mind as we go. What I am about to show you is fantastic. But, it also comes in Second to whole lot of other things.
Thee Perfunctory Warning: This lecture contains multiple hallucinations, gut punches, boring maths, and all sorts of mindfucky things like that. This is Hardcore. Maybe if that’s not your bag, you should stop here.
(Gosh, I hope I haven’t oversold this.) ------------------------
~ Here we go~
[Spoiler (click to open)] Starting from the middle of the Fantastic Journey, we have the Sefer Yetzirah. The SY is a key foundational mystical document for all of Western civilization. We do know that it goes back to somewhere around 0-200c (due to the age of the language used in it, found fragments, and alternate versions from other sources.) But, no known complete copies have been found dating before 1000 ce. This lack of an existing original copy has led loads of people to posit that this document is a medieval “forgery” or late appearing mystical book.
However, if we are using this exact same method for everything, then the Talmud (1289CE), Torah (1225 CE) and the Tanakh are all also probable medieval “forgeries”, later appearing mystical books, and sloppy reconstructions. See there are no known intact copies of the Jewish Hebrews existing before 900-1000 CE. Which seems improbable considering the Septuagint is older than all that. But, it is the case that other than fragments, the Septuagint is the oldest complete account of what we commonly refer to as the Old Testament. More than that, all the older fragments we have come from Christian sources, magical writings, and other Abrahamic religions. (This is even true for the Samaritan book) Moreover, even when you look at the Dead Sea Scrolls, you find any number of texts that don’t make it into any “more modern” edition (The Jubilees, Book of Enoch, Ecclesiastes (aka Book of Jesus) and Plato’s Republic - just to name a few- are all missing. Basically everything I like most has been redacted). The Jewish Masoretic Text isn’t even really set until the 16th century. So either the SEPHER YETZIRAH is in or everything else is also out. Obviously, there’s still a robust chain of transmission. You can trace all the stories back to the beginning of writing. However, these are still the facts.
Due to this, along with other salient facts, it can also be fairly stated that Modern Judaism, as a tradition, is actually far far younger than either Islam or Christianity. In fact, modern European Jewry can, in many cases, be more easily seen as a reaction to the Protestant Reformation (and a subsequent crystallization of belief) than it can be about upholding any sort of ancient tradition.
Why it is, then, that almost the entire nation of Israel is busy committing cultural genocide on every version of Judaism older than its own, is a mystery I’ll leave you to work out for yourself. You just do not want to even get me started on it what a load of racist revisionist bullshit that I happen to think is going on there. It’s a robust rant.
Here, let’s gets some air and listen to a little Barbra-fucking- Streisand as we try not to think too hard about it.
For my purposes, all all of that really means is that the Sefer Yetzirah is in every way just as legitimate a “Primordial” document as any rule or comment found in any other sacred document or philosophical text. And, it happens to be one that can help us draw the line and trace the chains of transmission.
About fifteen years ago Peter Hayman had the good sense to remove all the extended commentary and publish of a translation of the earliest known recension alongside comparative copies of every major short and long form version currently known to exist. This did not make the splash in the relevant academic and esoteric circles that I thought it would. After all, everything useful about the Kabbalah begins here. It is the core motherfucking text. I had high hopes. I thought we were going to see a revolution in our thinking. As to why nobody obsessed with red string, angels, and Koine Greek proved interested, I have no idea. “People are idiots” is about all the explanation I have here to suggest. And, I think we can agree, while true, this isn’t actually a very productive observation.
So, we are working with that today and you can find accompanying materials here and here. To be fair, the EKR is bereft of most biblical references. (It quotes some Psalms and good stuff like that.) And, it’s a total fucking disappointment for anyone who is not keenly interested in the development of a secular feminist Primordial Traditionalist narrative, which includes no small amount of (basic) math.
I adore this little book. But, then, I believe that the Primordial Tradition is important stuff for everyone even atheists people so bereft of imagination that they couldn’t invent for themselves a suitable God that is wholly sufficient to the task of actually pleasing them. (Nosce Te Ipsum, Bitches!) Maybe, really, this book is especially for them. See, basically, when taken to its earliest possible form, what you’re looking at is a math nerd gnostic meta-meditation manual replete with sound track, language guide, and spiffy star chart.
It is my fucking favorite magic book of all times for-eva-eva.
I have worked with it for ages and, while I have gotten way further than most, I still haven’t worked it all out. Mostly, this is because I am not fluent in liturgical Hebrew. I know that would seem like an obvious bar to entry here. But, it actually turns out that, in this instance, not knowing Hebrew gives one a Supreme Advantage.
In the beginning, we all thought all the occult pissing about with vowel sounds was supposed to eventually lead to an advanced power move. Because that is what children think. But, as we all know, it doesn’t. And, once people realize that Super Original Hebrew is not actually the way one “vibrates” themselves into Heavenly Glory & Material Success, most people -the smart ones- subsequently abandon occultism altogether and a small minority of the remainder become very Jewy.
We all learned nothing from John Dee. Nothing.
After going through all that, I, unlike nearly everyone else, remained in love. I used to wonder about that. But, then -much too late- I realized, that most everyone fails to realize that all this other stuff is actually in there too. I think other people would remain far more engaged, in these sorts of pursuits, if they realized that there was a 2000 + year old metanarrative jangling their personal feels.
But, I might be mistaken. I saw most of this stuff immediately. And, labored - for an embarrassing number of years- thinking everyone else did too. So, it’s clear to me that I am capable of making critical errors on a truly grand scale. Needless to say, some caution here is advised. Still, this is my gift for you today.
It seems like all that effort regarding “The Most Correct Vibrating Angelic Speech Possible” is just an attempt to start reading the fucking manual. But, the Cube of Space is a manual assembly project. And, like all assembly projects, it turns out that you’re way better off looking at the pictures and reading the instructions in your own language than you are trying to first learn the native language of the manufacturer. More or less, at this stage, you just need to know how to count. But, hey, if you really wanna be an Ancient Evenings polyglot, be my guest. Nobody’s gonna stop you.
Despite being a secular narrative, the Sepher Yetzirah actually does really teach you how all that angelic-god shit works too. This book is filled with double and triple meanings, dirty jokes, and it contains an unending assortment of truly horrible puns. Also, in its earliest form it explicitly tells you to love yourself (and others as you would yourself) because you, my dear sugarplum, are the Unique One who is simultaneously the center, creator, and enjoyer of every experienced phenomenon. That fantastic revelation, along with ze stupid jokes, is pretty much the magical end game of every form of Transcendental Magic en toto. And, as we all know, this little chestnut is a part of every High Religion’s stated Best Practices.
On second thought, maybe the perceived lack of traction here is due to the total ubiquity and banality of the message.
But, look, outside all the twee bullshit that we’ve come to love and associate with the document, it’s a very practical cultural-knowledge resource and thoughtful “Break in case of Armageddon” care package. One could, from the ashes, rebuild an entire culture with the knowledge that’s contained within. One could even assert that the fundamental authorial intent here is to provide us with something that does exactly that.
I have actually made this case before. And, making this case is exhausting. So. Thank the Baby Jesus we aren’t mucking about with very much of that sort of Apocalyptic Nonsense today. Today, we are mainly interested in the geometry. Really, the geometry is an obnoxious enough topic all on its very own. ---------------------
Okay. So let’s start proper.
The title Sefer Yetzirah is commonly interpreted as The Book of Formation. But, The Jewish Christian Sabean document is also known to Aramaic speakers as “The Book of Invisible Forms,” and that is because nearly everything in it is a product of human imagination. Both interpretations are simultaneously correct. And, that’s an important distinction to keep in mind, as it’s all a bunch of double-mint reversible bullshit from here on out. I wouldn’t want you to get the impression that there’s only one way to do anything as that is just not the case.
The center of the x axis is The Holy Spirit. And, the X plane is infinite Euclidian Space. In the sustoichia we call the Sephora, those are pairs 1 & 10 or 1 & 2, depending on how you count. We label that “The beginning and the end”. (We are going to go with 1 &2 today, because it’s easier. But, pairing them as 1 & 10 is quite useful too. It’s also more in line with the original instructions. It’s really just another route that simultaneously occurs with this one. Keep in mind, we are currently viewing this from the 4th dimension so multilinear variables are a go! Note: The ancients did shit like this all the fucking time. The only new about this set of power moves is in what ways they are new to us.
So, 1 (Holy Spirit, Beginning) and 2(Wind, Ending) Sefirot 3 & 4 (Good & Evil and Water & Fire) constitutes the Y plane, separated by X. And, the Z axis is 5 & 6 (Above and Below). It tells you that Good is Above and Evil is Below. 7 & 8 is East and West and 9 & 10 are North and South. So, along with all the gnostic stuff, you have a basic three dimensional orientation.
Later on, the SY gives you a table of addition, using all the letters. This, by itself, is a dandy lesson in arithmetic, Hebrew grammatical structure, and Music theory. But, also, it tells you that that’s exactly how you’re supposed to number the spines.
You can pull this same trick in Greek, Phoenician, Aramaic, Gez, Arabic, and Brahmi script.
After getting all that sorted, it’s pretty trivial to simply flatten the picture into an easily recognizable 2D map. This, of course, also means that any correctly oriented 2d Map can be twisted into a 3d space. These days this is a commonly understood thing. But, what needs to be understood here is that these simple instructions push the invention Analytic Geometry back by at least 3000 years. Also, once you get the three spatial dimensions, you almost automatically generate all the Platonic Solids. And, once you have an icosahedron and a dodecahedron, you have proper trigonometry, calculus, and geometry.
Here and here I have made a couple of models for you to play with all for very your own.
This is sorta revolutionary because we always think of geometry as being built up from 2-d points. We are taught or assume that you have point and then a line, and then a shape, and eventually you have a solid. The Cube comes at it from a different direction; It says -basically- that this whole one dimensional point to 3d object situation is a bunch of garbage. It says that the real world comes first and imagination comes second. And, the real world has at least 3 dimensions, 4 sides, and can be counted. Everything else is just a translation, abstraction, or bullshit story you’ve been telling yourself. In other words, it tells us that a basic mathematical premise, upon which we base no small part of elementary mathematics, is a bullshit belief and not a motherfucking fact.
Chao Euclid!
"I created the earth and heaven, and entered into them. I reside in them as their Inner Controller. I have created all worlds at my will without being urged by any higher Being, and dwell within them. I permeate the earth and heaven, and all created entities with my greatness and dwell in them as eternal and infinite consciousness" -RV10.125.6
Hello Asherah.
By Canaanite, Amorite, and Ugaritic reckoning, her first three husbands were the North Pole, The South Pole, and the Elliptic. To the Semites she is a great mother goddess. Her titles include “Mother of the 72 Gods” and “Queen of the Sea”. Her earliest form is Ki(shar), the Whole Earth. But, as with any 10,OOO year old entity, she goes by a host different names. In Vedic and Pre-Zoroastiran myths she is the Goddess who gives birth to the Asuras, who are, of course, all named after her. In the Ethiopian and Semitic myths She gives birth to Yahweh and the word. Her animal there is now known to us as the Lion of Judah. The Etruscans and Mycenaeans said, among other things, that she was the almond tree that gave birth to bee culture and Crete culture proper. The Assyrians eventually erase her entirely and she becomes Asher, the god of Assyria. Her husband before Yahweh was El. And as we all know, El is the god who the children of Israel are really named after and El is the named god in the Sefer Yetzirah. You might not have heard of her. She’s in the bible. Her Asherah Poles are routinely ordered ripped from the ground.
God is an anti-intellectual, and, also, he wanted a divorce.
“God commanded His angels concerning you To guard you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms To keep you from striking your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra You will trample the great lion and the serpent.”
Okay. So maybe this story is just an itty bitty bit more about someone’s Apocalypse than advertised. But, hey! The upside here is that it looks like a whole lot of those Pylons and Maypoles aren’t phallic symbols at all. Looks like many of them are actually love notes from somebody’s Mother.
"I am the sovereign queen (of all Existence), the collectress of treasures, the cognizant Supreme Being, the chief object of worship; as such, the gods have put me in many places, abiding in manifold conditions, entering into numerous (forms).
He who eats food (eats) through me; he who sees, who breathes, who hears what is spoken, does so through me; those who are ignorant of me, perish; hearken who is capable of hearing, I tell you that which is deserving of belief. "
And, knowing that Jehovah totally plagiarized from the Devīsūkta does sorta help make up for it all, right?
(These darling girls are my new favorite band. They are way better live.)
It’s important to understand that when you’re looking at things from the Center, you’re looking at the world from her perspective. That’s her position. She’s the center. And, when you’re looking at it from the outside, then that’s ’s position. She chooses who is king. This is true from the historical myths, from the perspective of the Heros Gammos ritual, and it’s also true from our native physiological perception of orientation. The center always determines the point of view. So, when you are, inside your imagination, looking at that fucking cube from the outside, then she is literally making you King.
But, also, since you can also look at it from her position, and can see from both perspectives simultaneously, you are now the ever present Unique One. Radah-Krishna exists inside you, through you, and all around you. Just like the Devīsūkta says, the Radah-Krishna of your consciousness is now your responsibility and under your total control.
Is that confusing? Probably. I am generally poor at explaining myself.
Okay. See, you’re building this whole map up in your consciousness. Right. It only exists inside your mind. And, since everything that’s now happening, as far as the cube is concerned, is actually happening inside your personal imagination, that means that in this world -the Asherah Map you’ve just made- you’re the all prevailing, creating, entity that is simultaneously of, inside, and outside of everything. You're her. You’re the demiurge. You’re the Spirit of the Living God. You are the Everything. And, everything that The Everything is made up of is You.
I once went to some pains to explain how we do this all the fucking time on a physiological level. To me, this is some mind blowing shit that I have never ever gotten over. (Mr. Martin was just about the only other person who liked it. He’s my biggest fan.) The actual hope here, from everyone who created this system, is that as one assumes control of the imaginary realm, one eventually learns how to draw out what's inside them and put it into this world.
No Bullshit. All the sensible texts straight up fucking tell you that this is what’s happening too. The Sefer Yetzirah knows that this is hard work. And, it knows that you’re going to get tuckered out with all these Hillbilly Hyperspace shenanigans. It tells you to come back when you’re rested. It tells you that when your mind races to go back to the One.
As mind fucks go, I find that this one specifically is ultimately very considerate.
Alright, in the next iteration of ten, we learn (1) Spirit makes (2)Air which makes (3)Water which makes (4)Fire. And, then we seal the remaining 6 directions with 3 letter names that are the 6 nonrepeating permutations of the word YHVH. In reality, there are 27 of these. But, these 6 are to tell all the people, who know about the word games, how and in what order this particular game is played.
10,5,6 ; 10,6,5 ; 6,10,5 ; 6,5,10 ; 5,10,6 ; 5,6,10 Are the words:
(1) I will be; (2) this occurrence; (3) through; (4)my penultimate desire; (5) to become; (6) to occur.
The strictly Hebrew version of this divides them into three different exclamations of praise and three exclamations of woe. They are considered words of God and part of the EXTRA LONG NAME.. Normally, this part is glossed as “I am that. I am was and will be the light and the darkness, good and evil.” or some similar bullshit. However, these are all also Aramaic, Brahmi, Arabic, and Phoenician words too. And, Aramaic comes before Hebrew and this probably actually means something closer to “I am, was, and will be here through my desire to live and have life.” Well, that’s what I got from one of my SuperJews before they realized what was up and stopped talking to me.
This next bit gets kinda deep. By now, it should be readily apparent as to why my perfectly nice SuperJew would declaim association and refuse to translate any more “sentences” from a sweet person such as myself. See, this shit is very very pre-Jews. Basically, this is a code written in Aramaic and Phoenician. And, there’s all sorts of other stuff happening along with this bit. So, if you’re invested enough as a Jewish person to learn Aramaic, this whole thing presents an opportunity to have a very serious crisis of faith.
Okay, so all of these words really are also points in space. But, you have to get your decoder ring out to really read them. See, unfortunately, for us, in this instance, simply following the directions is some bullshit. And, first thing is first, you have to make a map.
It’s supposed to look something like this. Here is a cute Google montage that quickly elucidates what The Cube of Space is generally supposed to look like. While we might disagree with him on any number of points, we should all know after looking at that that the main thesis of St. Marshall Mcluhan is in no way in error.
But, as you can see, it simply looks nothing like a cube at all. We have a truncated triangle and not a cube. And, we have some stupid design that no one in their right mind would settle on as the “super-secret sacred image". You do get six ordered points. However, all that above and below stuff is at best idiosyncratic.
“To let understanding stop at what cannot be understood is a high attainment. Those who cannot do it will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven.”- Legge’s Tao Te Ching
This is the point when Lesser People call it a day. Lesser People say “Well that was a good, but mistaken idea”. But, Lesser People hardly ever think of this shit in the first place. And, when they do, they tend to get Messianic Ants in their Pants. This looks good on nobody. As a consequence, the more Prudent among the Lesser People take Ursula’s fine advice and move on with their goddamned life.
But, for big-time first rate kooks, like me and PKD, that shit simply isn’t fucking good enough.
The Superior Person knows differently. The Superior Person knows that this interpretation is just one among a set of multiple possibilities. The Superior Person listened to the venerable wisdom of our ancestors when they declared “Never chalk up as error and human frailty what can more easily be explained as deception and bullshit lying.” Thus The Superior Person correctly concludes that the Mystic Knights of The Onigo Boingo were obviously fucking with us here.
You owe it to yourself to press play before moving forward here. It’s worth it. I promise.
Seriously, you probably want to press play before moving on to the next section.
Check this nerd shit out.
[I put this moment here.] As we have discussed before, He(5) and Het(8) come from the same root which is Heka (Magic, the activation of the Ka). So, using the idiot logic of Number Priests everywhere, you can just switch those fuckers out. And, when you do that, something really remarkable happens.
You actually activate the motherfucking Ka.
This is the first set of the word 10,8,6,8. And, it looks like this.
The name means “Unconscious” in Hebrew and “To Cast” (as in to cast a fishing line or a magical spell) in Phoenician and Aramaic. Its sentence is “YES. They lived, they (gods) existed, they spoke (uttered), they have form and are alive.(fresh)”
However, it needs to be stressed that these words mean different things, depending on the context and the culture using them. Translations are difficult under the best of circumstances. Much like English translations of the Book of Changes, The Vedas, The Bible, and The Koran, what we interpret as most meaningful here is up for a serious amount of debate. The most definitive you’re going to get is that “These words have multiple meanings attached to them. And, it is possible to derive more meaning from them through the use of various pre-defined grammars.” Still - those really are actual words, that’s what those words really mean in some verifiable context, and they really do form this geometric pattern.
We need not get too attached here to any one specific ideological cannon. It all mostly works. In fact, it all works out better if we lean into ambiguity over being definitive. “Gimel” still means “Camel” despite the fact that the letter-word existed almost a thousand years before we had actually domesticated camels. The Mystical Masonic letter “G” doesn’t suddenly become less useful, magical, or authentic simply because we know that this is the case. We still need at least one “G” to spell out Something Good, now don’t we? That said, this is not some sorta Jacques Derrida rope-a-dope. This is a Strict Machine. The symbols either mean something or they don’t.
BG 10.8: I am the origin of all creation. Everything proceeds from me. The wise who know this perfectly worship me with great faith and devotion.
Girls. Welcome to The World of Cows. This right here is what we call the Goloka. The the Promised Land of Lord Krishna. And it has been hiding in your words this whole entire time. You’ve just had to see things from the Right Perspective.
This, mien bitches, is just a classic Dorothy-Glenda-El-switch-a-roo. A mere 500 years later and suddenly it's Krishna/Vishnu and not Ashera, Sri, Lakshmi, Durga, or any of the literally hundreds of other female iterations. Also, everything has multiple meanings. For example, the word “Cow” in Sanskrit is also the same as the word for “star.’ These people, unlike like their semitic hillbilly cousins, they use vowels. They have, perhaps, the cleanest chain of linguistic/liturgical transmission available to anyone on the planet earth. And, still there’s no ONE direction. There is no totalizing agreed upon view. Not even here in Lord Krishna’s Most Holy of Holies is that the case. Honestly, this scribal linguistic bullshit probably contributes greatly as to why dharma religions are so loosey goosey. It's difficult to be super militant about stuff when everything can also mean five other things.
To certain Hindus, Krishna is the Center of the Cube. And Rhadah is the Infinity of Queens who live on the outside. See, the labels are just reversed from El-Asherah. I bring it up because that is just like how it is in Modern Christianity. In Modern Christianity, Jesus, comes first from Mary, who is the metacube, and then he marries His Bride the Church. (This, of course, means that every single Christian, regardless of gender, is a big ole magical pussy.) Also, in the bible, you can find these same instructions for Jesus and Mary lots of different places. But, most prominently, for Jesus, it’s in the preamble to Mark, the part where they talk about Jesus’s lineage. And, if you know how to decode it, it's just like in Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita, all the names form a 9x9 Magic Cube. Anyway, what that tells us is that depending on where you are in the transmission, the focus gets reversed. (See Crowley’s notes on the 9th degree)
Still, if you want a Indian version of the Sepha Yetzeriah, and there are several to choose from, Brahma-samhita is a very sweet go-to text.
“Gokula, like Goloka, is not a created mundane plane-unbounded character forms the display of His unlimited potency and His propagating manifestation. Baladeva is the mainstay of that energy. The transcendental entity of Baladeva has two aspects viz., infinite spiritual manifestation and infinite accommodating space for insentient gross things. The uniquadrantal delineation of material universe will be dealt with in the proper place. The triquadrantal extensions of the transcendental infinitary field of the almighty, unlamenting, nonperishing and nonapprehending unlimited situations of halo which are fully spiritual majestic foliation. This very majestical extension portrays the manifested lofty rich feature of the vaster unlimited region or greater atmosphere which has its resplendent location wholly beyond the realm of mundane nature, on the further shore of Virajä surrounded by the halo of Brahman or indistinguishable entity” -Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvat’s translation, 1932
I have to tell you, there’s a very specific playlist pegged to this moment. You have heard it all before, as I have been pimping this shit out to you all for years. What I remember most was a feeling of gut punched euphoria and that I kept checking to see if I had peed my pants. It was lot like when you do too much Trail Mix or K and you know it, but, you haven’t lost Total Control just yet.
I was totally the Universe’s Hype Man for a few weeks years after that.
But, also, I thought everyone knew. Everybody, in my kook circles, were always on about “Cubes”, “Fish People”, “Maps’, “Codes”, how “Math is the key to the Universe”, the Black Sun, and all kinds of other interrelated shit. Every one of these people had, in one form another, been to the best schools, they had more experience, they were fluent in the requisite technical terms, they were initiates, they were all better read and much higher achieving than me on innumerable levels.
Here’s the thing, I really never completed a year of formal schooling past the 7th grade. So, despite being a Super Genius, I’m still pretty ignorant and really god-damned dumb. I taught myself geometry. More or less, I have taught myself everything I know. I did college by testing out and taking small semesters at the local JC/State school. My entire intellectual life is a bunch of Outside Art bullshit. Knowing that, I understood that there were going to be large social gaps, gaps in actual knowledge, and gaps in how I prioritized information over everyone else. Plus, for the longest, I simply refused to join anyone’s cult.
I always thought that I had to work to be a part of, to be party to things. I thought I was playing catch up with most of these people. And, ya know, in reality, for a whole lot of years, I was. I learned so much more about the world and myself through all those kook people. I will forever be grateful for that.
But, over the years, it became clear that everything I’m sharing today was not generally understood information. At first, I was incredulous. It was impossible for me to believe that someone with an advanced math degree, had missed this. I stupidly assumed that Thee Advanced Feminist Narrative played a large role in how and why all those Bryn Mawr Bitches turned RadFem. I thought this was why the Theosophists were so hot about India. And, that it was why their second gens produced so much more interesting work than everyone else. I was fucking floored to find that all those people who had spent years doing Guru Yoga, meditating, making “Mental Temples”, doing sacred geometry, and going on forever about Thee Supreme Gnostic Transmission knew nothing at all about this. With exception of some Super Jews and errant Rosicrucians, I have never encountered a single artist, architect, linguist, engineer, anthropologist, mathematician, philosopher, magician, yogi, mason, or priest who has understood this at all.
That is super fucked up.
All urban cultures, past and present, worship the same number cult. This is really the thing. If you think about it, you’ll notice how we have all pretty much known that this whole entire time too. It’s in everything we do. So, there's nothing here that you did not first learn in public school. And, there's nothing here that disagrees, in any significant way, with what sort of math you learned there either.
The dimensional geometry embedded in the Satkona, is obvious once you see it. It’s almost banal, once you understand that “Theocratic arithmetic” or ‘The philosophy of numbers” are just ways of working with figurative numbers. And, you can’t understand Greek philosophy and Euclid’s geometry without knowing them. Loads of people have seen the embedded geometry. Loads of people already mess with this stuff as isolated disciplines or superkook trips. I thought this was known. That is what everyone was basing their stuff off of. For the longest time, I thought that was what the word play was about. And, I thought John Dee had some advanced maneuvers, when really he had just made an Elizabethan Time Cube. (Don’t get me wrong, Ray’s Cube wasn’t 100% wrong either. It’s still magic. The working parts still do work. But, it’s also still a Time Cube.)
Really, this mistake was one of the gravest and most embarrassing errors I have ever made. It is certainly in the top 5 of the “Largest mistakes of my life.” It’s just a map of a corner. I have wasted vast chunks of my life over that shit. When all of that really hit me, I became supremely angry with everyone, but most especially myself. But, over time it’s allowed me to become a whole lot more charitable towards myself and others regarding our respective idiosyncratic beliefs, errors, differing points of view, and flat out misapprehensions of reality. But, had I known all this sooner, I would have done any number of other things with my time. When I think about it like that, the whole thing leaves me feeling a bit anxious and hopeless.
What I think now, mainly because I don’t want to think about it like that ever again, is that this here “Thee Supreme Key to Everything” (figurative mathematics) was information so well-known and so obvious to everyone involved that they didn’t think to mention it. See, once you plug that in, everything pretty easily solves everything else. And, it explains a whole helluva seemingly inscrutable thinking. It brings you very close to fully grasping what everyone is singing about.
And, while this does take a lot of mystery out of the room, it really does up the ante on the wonder. And, I like that. I like knowing where we’ve been and who were are. And, I like knowing where we’re going is good. There’s still plenty of numinous stuff in this world. It’s just that, in doing it this way, almost all the Lesser Mysteries can be readily solved.
“Yes. They domesticated speech. They were the living hook in the cheek. They move. They endure. Ha-Cha-cha-cha. “
Whoever wrote this is an asshole and I just love them. The Second Layer clearly wants to make sure that you understand that this is an actual thing. (Alfred Korzybski for the win.) This specifically was one of my SuperJew’s translations. That’s what he said it said and I’m okay with it saying that. That’s pretty much what I got, when I did myself. But, it can and does mean lots of other stuff. You might want to see for yourself, so I have included a link to it here.
Supposedly, only the rarest of all souls obtain access to Funky Town. I say “Fuck everyone who says so”. The Funk is already inside you. If you have gotten this far, you have already imagined Cow City. And, even if you haven’t, the pattern for all this resides inside everything you’ve ever counted or read. You’ve been being primed for this pumping out this crap since the very beginning. That being the case, it is an entirely valid practice for you, specifically.
All’s you have to do is imagine that you’re there. Don't get discouraged. Imagination is also a skill. If you’re anything like me, you’ll find that you have to develop it.
[ I know you’re incredulous. But, I promise you people have been doing this specific practice for thousands and thousands of years. More recently, the AMORC Rosicrucians have been inviting members to go there every-mother-fucking-day for the last 100 years.
In fact, if you grew up in a developed nation you have Disney’s Magic Kingdom inside of you. In all seriousness, this culty bullshit is what the Wonderful World of Disney is actually based on. Disneyland is actually modeled after a 16th century Rosicrucian vision of utopia. And, also, the Mouseketeers are simulated Martinists. Walt Disney was actually one of the most successful occultists of the 20th century.
I’m in his old cult. And, hence my spirit animal. Because, as marvelous as this little bauble is -and it is absolutely marvelous- we all have to agree that it fundamentally pales in comparison to Tomorrowland.]
Well, how now Brown Cow. I’m just beside myself, darlings. I have a vapor.
This time, when we follow the directions, we seem to get a perfectly respectable set of symbols.
As we have talked about before, there are legitimately a number of different ways to do this. Simply pick any urban root culture and they’ve got a strikingly similar number scheme that is then also attached to some celestial palace, hell realm, furniture, or other architectural myth. The one they most likely intended was one that mirrors the first graph that shows how the seals draw out the Golden Rectangles/Golden Triangles. These are also called the cardinal planes, anatomical planes, and axis of motion. Knowledge of that whole bit is important for Trigonometry, Calculus, Dance, ritual, Merkabah stuff, and Yoga. It’s “real” imaginary shit. I cannot stress enough how this all the exact same stuff we’ve always been using. There is no freaky new math here. It’s all Kosher.
All of this, at base, is just an outer reflection of preexisting patterns and limits that are “hardcoded” inside everyone’s soft machine. Am06nd, I like the version that lets us draw in Ninshubur guarding the Space Yurt, it’s the most original. Goloka and Krishna are actually more associated with Sirius. But, make no mistake, this is still an anthropomorphism based around the Winter Triangle and Winter hexagram. Most likely, our ancestors gravitated to that because the hexagram is our defining physiological unit of space and place.
Well, I don’t know about you, but, I need a nap. I had fun making this. Hope you had fun too.