
Sep 13, 2004 21:26

So Whats Your Name: Whitney
Do you like it?: don't mind it, but finding things with my name on it is hard sometimes
If you could change it...what would you change it too?: i don't think i would
Age: 18
Hair Color: blonde
do you like your hair color?: yes but i will get it highlighted soon lighter
is it your real color?: i am originally blonde but my hair darkened over time, so now i highlight it

Lets talk about School
Whats your schools mascot?:huskies
What are your schools colors?: red and black
Favorite Class?: environmental science
Favorite Teacher?: don't have one yet
Least Favorite Class?: college writing
Do you like school in general?: its good so far

Color: pink
Movie: donnie darko
TV Show: the o.c.
Food: ice cream
Drink: iced tea
Gum: extra
Band: get up kids or saves the day
Singer: jack johnson
Song: swing life away by rise against
Actress: Elisha Cuthbert haha or Alison Lohman
Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal
Nail Polish Color: pink
Lip Gloss (for girls): i dont know what its called
Outfit: sweatshirt and jeans
Store: A+F, AE
Restaurant: not sure
Fast Food: Wendys
Ice Cream: chocolate
Dessert: ice cream
soft drink: coke
gatorade flavor: lemon ice (they dont make it anymore :( sad)

First and Lasts
First Kiss: gregg in 8th grade
Last movie you saw in the theatre: Hero
Last movie you rented: Butterfly Effect
Last IM: Jamie
Last Email: my english teacher
Last person to call you: mommy
Last person you called: jamie
Last person you danced with: jamie
Last person you hugged: daddy
last person to see you cry: either my dad, jamie, my mom, or christina
last book you read: a painted house
last thing you ate: pudding for dessert
last thing you drank: milk
last time you regretted taking this quiz: now

Your Opinions On
Britney Spears: used to be pretty, now just gross
Teen Drinking: just be safe, and don't do it too much
Guys wearing Pink: not too bad, jamie looks cute in it
Paris Hilton: shes too dumb
Eating Disorders: bad news
Teen Magazines: hehe
Mary-Kate Olsen: looooooove her
Computers: like em
Family Vacations: can be good
George Bush: idiot
Girls dating Younger Guys: eh, its up to them
metosexuals: just need to realize their gayness or learn to act like a guy
Kabbalah: a fad
Abortion: if its needed
Ashley Olsen: looooooooove her too
Ebay: baaaaad
Ugg Boots: last year

Your Love Life...
Who was your first crush: no clue, drew maybe (my first bf in 6th grade)
Do you have a crush right now?: of courseeeee
Would you care to share?: James Roberts
Do you think you've ever been in love: hmmmm yeah i think so
if yes, with who?: Jamestar6
Who was your first kiss?: didn't i already answer this?
How Old were you?: 13
Who is your dream guy/girl: sweet, funny, red-haired, <3
do you have a super secret crush that only you know about?: haha nope

do you plan on attending college: i am there right now
if yes, where?: Northeastern U.
what do you want to be when you grow up?: not a clue
How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3
what will you name them: don't know yet
do you want to get married?: yup
describe your dream wedding: something beautiful with lots of flowers
do you want to move out of state, if so were?: i am content in good ol' MA for now

What are the first three contacts in your cell phone?: Abraham's Bagels, my brother, Adam F
What is your youngest cousins name: Lucy
what color are your sheets: light blue
what are you wearing right now: t-shirt, pj pants
Whats the dumbest movie youve ever seen?: i have seen too many
do you sing in the shower: nope leave that to the cool girl on my floor
what perfume/cologne do you wear?: AF Now
honestly, do you like britney spears?: naw
do you get along with your parents: i do
shags or spiked?: umm
this is question 101 are you ready for this to be over?: yes
what do you get at starbucks: vanilla latte or passion iced tea lemonade
favorite type of bagel: plain
best friend: jamie, but best girl: probably kim f., but i think christina is getting there for my best school friend
favorite school dance youve been too: pentucket junior prom
outside or inside: depends on my mood and the weather, i like the outdoors though
do you attend football games at your school: sure
do you hate the cheerleaders at your school?: dont know them
are you wondering why you are still taking this?: its over soon
do you still sleep with a baby blanket?: no :(
what about a stuffed animal?: i have them on my bed but don't cuddle with them
have you ever tried playing millionaire online? i got the CD-ROM out of a cereal box once
if not go to perhaps later
Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch: AF, havent been to Hollister yet
do you know anyone famous?: not really, i know two pretty popular authors but not really well, and i know a girl in a singing band who sang at a kiss concert
if so who?: ^
name three things special to you: my boyfriend, my stuffed ewok, my goldfish
name something your scared of: heights
do you get butterflies when you are around someone special: hehe
have you ever snuck out to meet this special someone: once but it was one of the worst nights ever so i dont like to think about it
what kinda of shampoo do you use: john frida blonde
whats your daily beauty ritual: press snooze, get up, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, makeup, hair, go to class
whats your opinion on guys with bleached hair?: i like natural redheads
Is Adam Sandler Hot?: not particularly
What Now?: maybe watch a movie
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