(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 21:23

1. i hate luis vega.
2. just kidding, i love him.
3. he's my boyfriend, by the way.
4. we've been together for 1 year and 2 months on sunday.
5. i'm not too fond of the man running our country at the moment.
6. you can view him at his best here.
7. i am the biggest procrastinator you will ever meet.
8. in fact, i'm suppose to be studying right now.
9. of course, i'm not... but what else is new?
10. i love the dentist.
11. i want to be a dentist.
12. ever since i got my first cavity when i was about 7 or 8, i've always wanted to be one.
13. i currently have about 14 cavities.
14. i lost track after the 2nd one.
15. i never ate a lot of candy as a child.
16. it was just the way my teeth were shaped.
17. i work for a dentist.
18. i am a dental assistant.
19. i love my job.
20. my boss is so funny.
21. he makes fun of me.
22. but he makes me laugh.
23. he wrote me a letter of reccommendation for college.
24. he said he didn't write about my prison life or crack addiction.
25. i'm glad he didn't.
26. sense the sarcasm?
27. i am quite sarcastic.
28. my school bothers me. it's big and ugly and we have apple computers in the writing lab that i hate.
29. in a way, i'm looking foward to college. i can't stand being in the same school with 13 year olds.
30. in another way, i'm not. there will be alot more work, especially for me since i want to be a dentist.
31. i'm sort of scared. actually, i'm very much scared.
32. i don't know what to expect. omg, i hope i can get to all my classes on time! (just kidding.. i'm just remembering 7th grade)
33. i did so well in 7th grade. and now i'm in 12th grade. geez.
34. i should really be getting to that calculus.
35. i need to do good in that class.
36. even though i am.
37. but still. i have to do better then good.
38. remember tony the tiger ("they're GRRRRREAT!")?
39. well, i hate frosted flakes.
40. the only cereal i pretty much like is cherrios and special k.
41. no, not the drug.
42. i've never tried any type of drug in my life.
43. unless you count alcohol.
44. then i'm very much guilty.
45. i enjoyed this past summer so very much.
46. i wish it would come back.
47. i love tara a whole lot. she's the best person in the world.
48. we're married.
49. sorry you weren't invited to the wedding.
50. i end everything in periods.
51. it's a habit, i don't know why i do it.
52. i used to bite my nails.
53. that was the worst habit i ever had.
54. i hated it, yet i did it all the time.
55. i don't remember when i stopped.
56. i used to do a lot of things.
57. then i stopped.
58. and i wish i didn't.
59. someone please tell me why i stopped?
60. i am doing the musical this year.
61. i have to. i loved doing it the other two years i did it.
62. i believe it is going to be grease.
63. i can't wait.
64. i love grease.
65. i love rent.
66. i love luis. :)
67. diana is my twin.
68. we look so much alike, it's scary.
69. there's that sarcasm again.
70. i hope you all caught that.
71. i love music.
72. it completes my life and i would die without it.
73. i'm into a lot of different bands, but i don't feel like naming them all.
74. i saw taking back sunday on friday with atreyu, like yesterday, and funeral for a friend.
75. they were all amazing.
76. i saw the used last friday and yellowcard, the starting line, craig's brother, and the matches on the 5th.
77. those shows were great as well.
78. i need to go to more.
79. sadly, i have no more money to spend on shows.
80. i have no more money to spend on anything anymore.
81. it's odd, especially when i make 8 bucks an hour.
82. i love money and i'm terrified of not having any when i get older.
83. when i was younger, my dad was buying me a winter coat at the gap. i asked him how much it was and if he had enough money to pay for it. i seriously felt really bad for making him get it for me. the lady over the counter told him that it was weird that someone my age was worried about money.
84. i hope i have enough money to support myself when i get older.
85. i still feel bad now asking my parents for money... but i have to, because sometimes i just don't have any!
86. i don't get jealous that easily...
87. okay, maybe i do. so sue me, i'm human.
88. wow, i'm almost done. and i haven't even said much. or have i...?
89. i hope luis buys me a build-a-bear in the near future.
90. i love cute romatic things like that. i live for that.
91. my brother is 25 and he can be so cool. i guess you can say i look up to him.
92. i want an ipod. correction... i NEED an ipod.
93. i love hugs
94. and kisses... from luis!
95. this is sad, i'm almost done with this. just when things start getting better, they have to end...
96. summer was so fun. why did it end?
97. i can't wait for this summer. it will be wonderful, i swear.
98. i need a new digital camera, because mine sucks balls.
99. i'm bad at updating this thing called livejournal.
100. but i'll try and update more often for all you avid readers! :)
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