(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 18:30

Had much fun at Kate's drawing and scanning the pictures on the Internet. omg we even made a community (fangirl_squeals)! Because Kate's new printer has a scanner too. It's cool liek whoa.

And just 'cause I feel like it:

(I warn you, though, the file is HUGE. I mean, really. Like, ten times bigger than my pictures.)

Rufus Scrimwhathisname, Mad-Eye Moody, and Voldie. I think I'm going to make an icon of Rufus, because he's so cool like that.

Anyway. There you go. If you like what you see, head on over to the community. I'm trying to pimp it out. And hey, if you want to, you can join! Anyway. I'll see you chickies later.

(GAWD I have to go to school tomorrow and I SO don't feel like going a day before I have to. Baaaah.)


pippin, comics, stick figures

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