Fic: Root-Beer Lollipops (PG-13)

Dec 20, 2010 12:43

Title: Root-Beer Lollipops
Author: lilchibibunny
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,765.
Characters/Pairing: Jimmy/Gabriel
Disclaimer: Characters to Kripke and the CW.
Spoilers: None!
Warnings: Adorable six year olds, lollipops, Jimmy being the best.
Summary: Jimmy has always been pretty close to angels.
Author's Note: Written for tawg at the Back From The Dead Meme! The prompt was, "Jimmy/Gabriel, Cas wasn't the only angel to look over Jimmy's shoulder." AND SINCE I AM A SUCKER FOR JIMMY AND GABRIEL, YOU KNOW I WAS ALL OVER THAT. It got pushed to the corner for a bit, but now it's here and adorable with its little picture bible and light-up sneakers.

Jimmy's always been a religious boy. Baptized when he was a little baby, and Mama and Daddy were always good about letting Jimmy know what God thought about stealing and lying, even if he took just one cookie from the cookie jar and told Mama it was the dog.

He had a little Bible when he grew up that had pictures. Everyone was smiling and happy, and when Jimmy asked why, Daddy said because God made everything right, and that was good enough for Jimmy.

Six year old Jimmy's outside reading his Bible. His favorite part is Daniel and the lions because Daniel looks really happy and he's petting the cats and the lions look like they're making that happy rumble noise that they do when Jimmy pets Baby Chuckles (even though Baby Chuckles isn't a baby kitty anymore). Jimmy's so deep in his imagination that he doesn't notice the boy come up to him and point at the picture. "That's Daniel," the boy proclaims loudly, and Jimmy looks up. He's got a lollipop in his mouth and when he talks he's gotta slurp or else he'll drool everywhere.

Jimmy grins. "I like Daniel. He's nice."

The boy pops the lollipop out of his mouth and grins. "Daniel's cool, but Jonah is better."

And when Jimmy says, no, if anyone is cool, it's Moses, and then the little boy sits down and starts a debate with him, full of six-year-old logic and 'uh-huh's and 'yeah well maybe's.

Soon the sun's setting and Jimmy knows it's just about time when Mama calls him in, and he looks to the boy. "Wanna come in for dinner? I'm sure we got enough for you."

And Jimmy knows the kid is his age, but suddenly he looks a lot older. (Like 15, maybe.) "Nah. I gotta go."

"Maybe I could have dinner at your house one time?" Jimmy offers, tilting his head to the side and tonguing the gap where he lost his tooth a week ago.

The boy shakes his head. "My family fights a lot," and he pushes some dirt on the ground.

Jimmy feels bad, so he does whatever Mama does when he's about to cry, and reaches over to plant a tiny kiss on the boy's forehead and gives him a hug. "They'll get better," Jimmy says. "Daddy says God makes everything happy in the end."

The boy gives him a hug back and smacks a sticky kiss onto his cheek and says, "Thanks."

Jimmy grins. "Gonna come back tomorrow? I'll bring snacks."

"I'll bring snacks too." When he gets up, Jimmy notices he's got old, tattered sneakers. "I'll look for you."

When Mama calls Jimmy in, she asks him who he was talking to. He climbs up in his seat after he washes his hands and grins. "I was talkin' to Gabriel, Mama. We were talkin' about Moses and Daniel and Jonah."

When Jimmy's asleep, Mama curls up to Daddy on the couch and says, "Jimmy's got a little imaginary friend," and Daddy's half-asleep so he just mumbles something encouraging.

The next day Gabriel comes and gives Jimmy a root beer lollipop. It's Jimmy's favorite flavor. Jimmy and Gabriel talk about Jesus and him walking on water and how cool of a superhero he'd be and at the end Jimmy gives Gabriel his special light-up shoes. "These are yours," Gabriel says in a tiny voice. "I can't take 'em."

"So?" Jimmy says, grinning. "They're mine and I'm givin' them to you." He points to Gabriel's beat-up Chucks. "Your shoes are all fallin' off and my Mama says that's when you need to buy new ones." He starts unlacing his shoes. (So much easier to take them off than to put them on.) "And mine light up and they're cool."

"But you need 'em."

"Mama gets me plenty of shoes," Jimmy pouts, pulling his light-up ones off and pushing them towards Gabriel. "I can always get other ones."

Gabriel hugs Jimmy with such force he falls backwards and Gabriel lays on him, giving what Daddy called 'eskimo kisses' on his cheek. "You're the best ever," Gabriel says, and Jimmy grins. God would be proud.

Jimmy starts giving Gabriel other things like jackets and sneaking out pants (because Gabriel's have holes in 'em), and his Mama is not happy, but Jimmy knows that God understands and he'll help Mama understand too.

Jimmy had talks with Gabriel for another month--so, practically a year--when Mama says he can't play with Gabriel anymore. "Why?"

"Sweetheart, the neighbors can hear you. You'll hug yourself and argue and it's scaring them a little."

Jimmy frowns. "Because I'm talking to Gabriel."

Mama is stern about this. "James. No. I don't want to hear anymore about your imaginary friend." He wants to say how people thought God was Moses' imaginary friend and how God is real and Gabriel is definitely real (he brought Jimmy root beer-flavored lollipops everyday and wears the jacket Jimmy gave him) but the look on Mama's face says she won't listen and she only says 'James' when she's really angry.

Gabriel doesn't show up the next day. Jimmy cries so hard Daddy has to come and pick him up and take him inside. He glares at Mama and tells Jimmy if Gabriel wants to come inside next time, he can.

Jimmy waits outside for two weeks with his little picture Bible. Gabriel doesn't show.

He cries at night to himself, sniffling into his pillow. What did he do wrong?

Jimmy's about to leave for college. He's excited, like all 18 year olds are. Two states over, even! He sits on the porch at night, Mom and Dad asleep in bed. He snuck out, grabbed a beer, and is doing his own little celebration before tomorrow when all his friends drag him on a short little road trip to bar-hop in the big city. For right now, though, he'll sit on the bench and rock gently back and forth and look up at the stars and wait for Amelia to show. (She's going out of town for the next week, so she won't get to see Jimmy before he leaves.) It's a bit early for her to come yet, but Jimmy's always liked a little time to himself.

He takes a sip of his beer when he hears a knock on the fence door. Hmn, maybe Amelia came early? Jimmy puts down his beer beside the swing bench and goes to greet her. Silly. Could have just come right in, it's not like it's locked.

It's not Amelia.

Jimmy takes a step back. "You...what is this?" His voice is a whisper, as if he speaks any louder his parents will hear and wake up.

He's got a lollipop in his mouth, just like the first time he came to see Jimmy. "Hey, kiddo."

"Gabriel," Jimmy says, and backs up so quickly that he trips. Would have fallen, but Gabriel's quick and grabs Jimmy's hand, pulling him up.

"Careful there," Gabriel laughs. His voice is low and pleasant, nothing like what Jimmy remembers. "Thought I'd come to see you."

"How..." Jimmy frowns. "That was 14 years ago. I knew you for a month and a couple weeks when I was a kid."

Gabriel leans forward and grins. "Felt like a year, though, huh?" Jimmy flushes and backs up and Gabriel steps forward. "Watch out, kid, or you'll trip again."

"Stop calling me 'kid' when you're the same age," Jimmy replies with a bit more frustration this time, and Gabriel just tilts his head up and laughs quietly.

"Still read the Bible, Jimmy? Still a good boy?"

Jimmy's glad it's dark because his face is really red right now. "Yes, I am."

"Aww," Gabriel coos, "haven't made it with that little girlfriend yet?"

Jimmy actually does push him, and he's pretty sure Gabriel wouldn't have moved. He's...solid. Jimmy thinks that, in all honesty, Gabriel wouldn't have budged, but there's something that makes him take the shove, stumble back a little. "Amelia is a nice girl," Jimmy says, "and I wouldn't do that to her." He steps back. "She deserves better than to lose her virginity to a boyfriend in the back of some Camero."

Gabriel snorts. "Sure."

Jimmy shakes his head. "Why are you even here? I haven't seen you in forever anyway." He walks away, back to his lone beer and porch swing. He thinks maybe Gabriel will come to the edge of the porch, make a few smart-ass comments in the vein he's been following so far, and then if Jimmy's lucky, go away.

He never expected Gabriel to come up and sit down next to him. Like, right next to him. Like, way too close next to him. Jimmy snorts. "Personal space."

"Is overrated," Gabriel finishes, and when Jimmy picks up his beer, Gabriel plucks it out of his hands and takes a sip.


"You're underage, you shouldn't be drinking anyway," Gabriel retorts, holding the lollipop in one hand while he takes small sips from the beer.

Jimmy doesn't mention how Gabriel is the same age, but whatever. He does say, "Bet that tastes great with your lollipop."

Gabriel leans over and pops it into Jimmy's mouth with a grin. It's root beer.

("I wanna taste," Jimmy says and reaches for Gabriel's candy.

"You take it after me, that's like kissin'," Gabriel replies all cheeky-like.

Jimmy pouts. "Whatever. We're boys. We don't have cooties."

"Imma have some of your cookies then."

"Okay," Jimmy says, and eats the rest of Gabriel's lollipop while Gabriel munches on the rest of Jimmy's cookies.)

Jimmy pops the candy out of his mouth and a grin works its way slowly onto Gabriel's lips. "I don't have cooties," he teases.

"It's been in your mouth," Jimmy mumbles. "That's disgusting."

Gabriel leans closer, and Jimmy backs up, blushing. "What's wrong?" Gabriel murmurs, and he places the beer down on the ground.

"I...hey, Gabriel, I don't--I'm not--" Jimmy sputters, trying to get his sentence out. He has a girlfriend.

Gabriel's so close to him. He smells like mint and chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven."So? One little kiss isn't going to harm your sexual orientation, Jimmy."

Sure, one kiss. But Gabriel's eyes are promising more. "C'mon, hey, I haven't seen you in 14 years, and you're trying to make a move on me?" Jimmy jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Anything to get this feeling to dissipate.

One of Gabriel's hands slides across the top of the bench and the other goes to Jimmy's cheek. "C'mon, Jimmy," Gabriel presses. "No one has to know."

"I-it's not--" Jimmy starts. He feels six years old again. Dammit. "It's not because you're a guy, Gabriel," even though that is a small part of it, Jimmy won't deny that. "You can't just come back and try and mack on me like that." He laughs uneasily. "You...I'm not the same person I was when I was six. You aren't the same. Both of us are different."

And there's that old look again. Gabriel sighs. "Yeah. We are."

Jimmy frowns, relaxes a little even though Gabriel hasn't made a move to back off. "What happened? One moment you were there, the next you weren't. I was really worried."

"Had to go."

"...Did you move back in town?"


Jimmy sticks his lower lip out. Okay, fine, obviously Gabriel's cool staying an enigma. "What made you come back and see me?"

And suddenly Gabriel's eyes aren't amber anymore, they're this dull gold color and he leans forward again. "Because you're special, Jimmy," he murmurs. "You don't even know how much."

And those words go right to Jimmy's gut, makes his spine prickle up with heat and he opens his mouth to say something and Gabriel's so close, his lips are brushing Jimmy's and it hits Jimmy like a punch that yes, actually, he does want this, he wants a kiss, wants to be reminded of how real Gabriel is--

"Jimmy?" he hears Amelia's voice, and Jimmy wakes up. Amelia is shaking him awake. "Did you have a beer, Jimmy?" She laughs softly.


"You spilled it," she continues, and points to the small puddle of beer that hasn't fallen through the wood paneling.

Jimmy looks at it for a little. That isn't where he remembers putting it.

He looks up at Amelia and smiles. "Hey, Ames." She isn't a dream. She is the girl Jimmy is pretty sure he's going to marry.

It's been a long time coming.

Jimmy's in Heaven now, torn out of his body while Castiel still inhabited it. He doesn't know what the angel is doing now, wearing his skin, but he at least hopes that Castiel is better than he was. So conflicted. Jimmy helped him as best he could, but what are a human's words to an angel?

He hopes Amelia and Claire are safe.

His place in Heaven is his parents back porch. Kept the same place until they died, and Claire slept in Jimmy's old room while Amelia and Jimmy curled up on the old porch swing and told stories to each other until it was too cold and too late to stay outside any longer. And that's what his Heaven is, his parents house, always cool enough so he can have the fire going in the fireplace and it smells like home and love and comfort. And outside on the porch is the perfect place to think, which is basically the only thing he can do now.

Jimmy is so deep in his thoughts he doesn't notice the hands come around and lightly cover his eyes. It doesn't scare Jimmy, just startles him a bit. Heaven has a way of taking the edge off things like fear and frustration. "Hey."

Jimmy freezes. "Hey."

"Long time no see."

Sure was. "How did you get here?"

"I'm special."

"Did you die?"

"Nope. I'm like a secret agent." A pause. "Heard from Cas you were gone."

Jimmy gives a small nod as not to disturb the hands over his eyes. "Yeah. Was a wild ride while it lasted," he says with a smile. "Didn't think I'd see you here."

"I was busy. Still am. Lots of stuff going down with your angel friend and his boys."

"Hope they make it."

"They will." Jimmy feels a forehead touch the back of his hair. "Tiring, though."

"What is?"

"All of it." A sigh, and Jimmy feels it go down his shirt. "Lots of work to do, kiddo."

Jimmy reaches up and lightly pulls the hands down so they loop around his shoulders instead. "Make sure Amelia and Claire are okay?"

"Of course."

Jimmy laughs. "Shoulda known you were something different. No other six year old knows about the Bible like you did."

Gabriel chuckles soft against Jimmy's ear. "You did."

"I'm an exception." There's a small, comfortable pause. Maybe if this was down on Earth, Jimmy would have a lot more questions, want a lot more answers. But to be honest, he's not playing that game anymore. The only thing he wonders about is when he gets to see his family again, and he's hoping that isn't for a long while yet. Heaven has a way of putting things in perspective for you.

"I should get going or else they'll catch me and I'll be in big trouble with the family." Gabriel laughs. It's not happy.

Jimmy tugs on Gabriel's sleeve as he tries to pull his arms from around Jimmy. "Hey."


Jimmy tilts his head up. "Kiss me."

Gabriel grins. "Thought you didn't swing that way, kid."

"Does it matter?" Doesn't to Jimmy. Not anymore.

So Gabriel leans down, presses his lips to Jimmy's. It's soft and safe and really warm. Jimmy makes a small sound and reaches a hand to tangle in Gabriel's hair, opening his mouth to let Gabriel's tongue lazily slip in, run over his teeth and press into his mouth like the only thing he wants to do is stay on the bench and leave Jimmy breathless. When Gabriel draws back, it's Jimmy who leans forward, turning around to wrap his arm around Gabriel and pull him in close. When he does let Gabriel end it, both of them are breathing hard. "Be careful," Jimmy murmurs, putting his forehead to Gabriel's. "Please."

"I'll wear my light-up sneakers and everything," Gabriel replies, which makes them both smile. "Gotta go now."

"Come back soon."

And like that, Gabriel's gone. When Jimmy goes to take another sip of his beer, a root beer lollipop has been placed into the head of the bottle.

Jimmy puts the beer down and unwraps the lollipop. He looks back to the wrapper, at the message printed on the inside.

no cooties. promise.

writing, fuck you jimmy is great, jimmy has the hots for everyone, i love jimmy, jimmy/everyone, jimmy loves you, fucking fanfiction!, everyone i like dies, post always needs another jimmy tag, always this, this happened, i don't even know, fuck me that's wonderful, gabriel makes everything ~*~hard~*~, crack ship ahoy!, it's all okay, but really now, supernatural

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