OH HERRO THIS DAY AND some more of this, did you want this?

Dec 03, 2010 09:43


Guys, I'm so excited for this ep because not only does it promise Cas but also Crowley and Meg and IT LOOKS IMPORTANT FOR PLOT POINTS AND YEEEEEEEEEEEES. \o/ GOD SO EXCITE, I JUST CANNOT EVEN

Haha, remember the Castiel-in-Wonderland snippet? WELL I MEAN I BLAME YOU GUYS - HAVE SOME MORE. It's a random part where we meet two of my favorite boys, so I mean. BUT I CAN PUT UP PICTURES LATER IF YOU WANT ~

p.s. - The Hare is wearing this kind of mask. The Hatter has on something like this sans feathers.

The Hatter looks to the Hare. "Get the TEA."

Castiel looks to the sandy-haired man that's been grating his nerves ever since he found them. "Tea? Honestly?"

The Hare laughs. He's got a cute dimple that forms as he does it, grin wide and welcoming. "Technical Eradication Agent. TEA." He hands the Hatter a container of something. "I invented it." Castiel looks at the container and then back to the Hare, who just smiles. "All you need to know is that it does nasty things to people when it gets on them."

"Time to get to hoppin'," the Hatter says, taking off his enormous hat. The hair underneath is cropped, cut fairly close to his head. Long enough to create bangs that curl on his forehead, enough so that Castiel can see a cowlick on the side of his head. The hat, it seems, is big for a very good reason; there's a number of gadgets in it, and suddenly Castiel realizes the hat isn't fabric at all, it's metal, only the place where where it sits on his head is actually soft.

The Hare curls his long fingers around Castiel's wrist. "C'mon then, we've gotta go." He looks back. "You coming?"

The Hatter smiles as he takes a sawed-off shotgun from inside his jacket (well, it's actually strapped to his chest) and says, "Two seconds."

He looks back to Castiel, the floppy ears of his mask wiggling. His eyes are bright brown, a smooth sepia with bright green that flashes underneath the surface. "Time to go. Then we'll introduce you to the Caterpillar."

"Who are you?" Castiel asks in a breath.

"Names later!" the Hatter shouts, and laughs. "Have some tea, you bitches!" He throws the container, and Castiel hears three things in succession. The canister popping open, a splash (or was it a hiss), and screaming.

"Run," the Hare says, and the Hatter has a wild smile on his face as he tips the hat back on his head and sends a wink to Castiel.

The Hatter and the Hare lead Castiel through a maze of streets and buildings before finally slipping down a subway entrance. There's already a car there, waiting in the dark. It doesn't have any lights on, doesn't have a driver as far as Castiel can tell. The two men go up to a wall covered in symbols, some scratched out in a thick black substance. (Castiel would say it's been written out in Sharpie, but do they even have Sharpies down here? He doesn't know. What he does know is that he wants to escape this dark, incredibly creepy empty subway.)

Suddenly there's a hand on his back. The Hatter grins at him, pushes him forward a little. "That's our ride."

"It's empty," Castiel states in a monotone and looks at the man as if to say you must be mistaken. The Hare takes his wrist again, starts leading him into the car. "Wait, please--" Castiel hasn't been this intensely afraid of the dark in some time, but it seems this wonderland is bringing up feelings he hasn't approached in ages.

"It's our ride," the Hare says, smile swallowed by the dark as he steps into the car. Castiel starts to wrestle his wrist from the Hare's grasp, but then the Hatter pushes him in, and instead of taking his wrist away, Castiel digs his fingers into the Hare's arm. They are surrounded in thick, inky black and Castiel is having trouble breathing, the dark is getting in his lungs, filling up his nose and mouth and he's going to drown in this--

"Calm down," the Hare says, and Castiel feels the man's hand on his shoulder, guiding him somewhere…like into a seat. "Sit. It'll boot up soon."

As if on cue, the lights in the car flash and stutter and then shine with an electrical hum, the car whirring to life. It lurches forward, and the Hare is caught a little by surprise, stumbling into a seat. The Hatter laughs, and that's the last sound for a few minutes as the subway car rumbles down the tracks.

It's another five minutes before the Hare finally removes the rabbit mask from his face, letting Castiel see exactly what he looks like. Brown, chestnut bangs flop to take space on his forehead, a small part in the middle of them. His nose is more pointed than his companion's, turning upward in cute kind of slope. He's young, younger than Castiel would have guessed. Devastatingly handsome. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "There have been better escapes, y'know."

"Yeah, well, it's still an escape, right?" The Hatter takes off his hat, placing it down on the subway seat so that it's upside-down with the brim in the air. He runs a hand through his hair, letting it stand up in spikes as he takes his own mask off, placing it gingerly inside the large hat. He, too, is young, but there is something about him that indicates he's the older of the pair. With the mask, Castiel could tell he was attractive, but it seems the Hatter is just as breathtaking as the Hare. He looks up to Castiel and a small, teasing grin finds its way onto his lips. "Breathe. We're safe."

Castiel didn't even realize he'd been holding his breath, but he knows it wasn't because he was in danger. Suddenly, the Hare is on his left side and he's close, reaching out to touch Castiel's face. Castiel jerks in surprise, looking into the Hare's strange eyes again. They keep flashing from brown to green, like a hologram. The fingers gently run over his cheek, and the Hare gets a surprised look on his face like something is wrong. "Dean."

"Hmn?" The Hatter perks up his head.

"The Caterpillar said he was an android, right?" What? "This…Dean, he's real. He's not a rogue Suit. He's…" The Hare looks at him. "Where did you come from?"

Castiel frowns, confused. "I…I was kidnapped. Of-of course I'm a person," he adds angrily, and then suddenly Castiel's got green eyes (that flash to brown) so dangerous close to him, and it's only natural he tries to melt into the subway seat.

"But…" The Hatter, who apparently is named Dean, grabs Castiel's tie, grip strong enough to stop Castiel from moving. "Kidnapped?"

Castiel nods, looking back and forth between the two. "Yes. I was taken in the middle of the night." He slips a hand in his jacket and he can't stop his hand from shaking as he takes out the tape recorder. "I followed the instruction on this."

"Jesus." Dean looks to the Hare and they both look concerned. "Sam, listen to it."

As the Hare--Sam--holds out his hand, Castiel grudgingly places the small silver contraption into his palm. He doesn't want to give up the only thing he's trusted ever since he found himself in this mirror world, but they look relatively calm and haven't raised their voices or said anything threatening, plus the fact that they just saved his life. (At least, he's pretty sure they did.) Dean examines Castiel's face, letting his fingers run over the skin. They travel across his forehead, down the bridge of his nose, along the curve of his cheekbones, and end with a swipe of Castiel's lips. "No," Dean murmurs, as if to himself, "you're a real person." His green eyes bore into Castiel's blue ones, and when he tilts his head, Dean's eyes flash brown. "Who are you?"

castiel in wonderland, get the salt now, get ready boys and girls, why so many aus?, omg, supernatural

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