Nov 25, 2010 15:29
Please don't mind me - I'm trying to get things posted here so I can do the masterpost by this Sunday, or at least some semblance of one. Fanfiction will probably on there; art is a little harder to track down. So if I start posting random things, it's all old stuff I've never actually put on my journal by still have available; most of these posts are really from as far back as May.
A couple things may be new, but by "new" I mean like two weeks ago. LOL SO NONE OF THIS IS RECENT, it's more like I'm posting it for cataloging purposes.
:D I'll be doing a proper Thanksgiving post/thank you post/happy birthday post later on today.
I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING. D: Sorry I haven't been on lately; I've been either working on RL things or regrouping from working or RL things and really haven't had time to get stuck on LJ.
nothing really,
the more you know!