Title: Raiders and Rebels: Act I
lilchibibunnyRating: R.
Word Count: 34,211.
Characters/Pairing: Hints of Dean/Cas/Sam. Pairings alluded to include Dean/Bela, Dean/Cassie, Sam/Jess, and Sam/Dean/OMC and OFC.
Disclaimer: Characters to Kripke and the CW.
Warnings: Obviously, it's an AU. Violence, cursing, sexual innuendos, and minor character death are all things that should probably be warned for.
Summary: Castiel has been raised to become Zachariah's successor, but he's always preferred another life despite being unable to escape the destiny he's been placed in. To be the underling to such a feared and famous man, it's only natural that when the opportunity presents itself, he would be kidnapped by pirates. But when he's suddenly thrust into the stories that he's daydreamed about, Castiel is going to learn that the Winchester legend isn't really a legend after all.
Prologue. A small word about the seven seas. Part One: In which a nobleman is captured. Part Two: In which the chess board is set. Part Three: In trust issues are discussed. Part Four: In which the battle happens and there is a surprise. Author's Note: Holy shit.
Let me preface this by saying I don't normally write things like this. I like one-shots and short little drabbles, not long, Big-Bang type projects. That said.
This is the first book in a series of three. A lot of this is laying groundwork for what's about to happen, so if it's a little boring, that's why. I'll probably come back and update this version later on when more of the actual plot is fleshed out and things become more clear, but for right now let me post it and get on with the story. There's only so much one can write before you need to move on; I'll come back to it later when I've got a better picture in my head.
I have no idea how this became such a huge universe. After all, it started out as a tiny, silly comment drabble! And now it's become much more complex than what is shown here, and I'm so excited to let that unravel.
I've tried to be as accurate as possible with everything mentioned, from the weapons and ports to the scents and drinks. (Most of the research comes from the internet, so forgive me if it's a little shaky.) This is a fairly straight-forward story, with surprises near the end to lead us into deeper, more supernatural waters. This story is set within the Golden Age of Piracy, which is roughly from 1650s to the 1720s. I've placed the time period more near the 1700s, since there is more to play with. So this is the early 18th century, and I have made sure to try not to use anything that comes after 1720 in the fic. Note that that's try, so if something pops up that might not be exact, please excuse it.
I promise this will pick up soon! I didn't plan for it to be this long at all, but apparently pirates have trust issues, and Castiel had to prove himself before being able to be on fair terms with the Winchester brothers. Pfft, these pirates.
Thanks: Credit has to go to
oywidapoodles for creating the silly little picture that lead to my silly little drabble which lead to this. IT WOULDN'T OF HAPPENED WITHOUT YOU, DEAR.
belledewinter, you were often there when I complained forever about it, and thank you for hearing my little pirate ideas and letting me tease you with what was to come! You are forever lovely and kind and I do not deserve you, bb.
allhisengines has been my confidant in this whole process, and she has read this consistently as I've updated since September when this first started to take shape. She somehow always manages to convince me that what I write is not completely awful and will not hesitate to tell me if something completely sucks balls and I need to rework something, a trait which I value and love her too much for. I've told her the entire plot, and her excitement and enthusiasm keeps me writing more. I can't thank (and blame) her enough for what she does, and even though I know she's busy, she always seems to make time for my stupid little moments. This entire work (including the rest of the books) is dedicated to her. <3
Lastly, to anyone who bothers to read this silly thing, you are amazing. I do not consider myself a writer by any means, but I do like to string a few words together. Whether you decide to comment or not if up to you, but hopefully you'll come back for more when the second part comes out.
This is the first time I've made a huge story post like this, so please let me know if something is off!