Aug 20, 2010 20:27


Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.

moorishflower gave me these four: Supernatural, X-Files, Firefly, and Velvet Goldmine.


Velvet Goldmine. Oh gosh, honestly? I haven't seen this movie in like, five years, I totally forget it. To be perfectly honest, I loled at Curt Wild, but I think inquistive little Arthur was probably my fave. (Haha, I need to watch this movie again!)

X-Files. Not a surprise, it's Mulder. I love Scully with all my heart, but what really got me all over X-Files was def. my bb Mulder. With all his little snide comments and little backroom office and UFO mania and having the whole UST with Scully, I couldn't help but not love him. I won't watch the seasons he's not in because he made the show for me. (To be honest, the show got a little blah for more after, like, the fourth season.) I love how dead pan he is, I love that he has all these crazy theories, and most importantly, I love him solvin' crimes and kickin' ass with one of my fave redheads of all time.

Firefly. OH R U SRS. THE WHOLE SHIP. I really do love the whole cast, but if I absolutely had to pick? Probably Wash. Wash just makes me all happy on the inside. He's hilarious, he's a kick-ass pilot to boot, and he's in a great marriage to a bad-ass woman (and loves the fact that she can beat him down). He's faithful and honorable and even though he might not be the strongest crew member, you can always count on him. I also love the fact that he's this scrawny white man who plays with toy dinosaurs when it's calm and that he makes jokes just about every possible second. Some of the best one-liners are Wash's! (D: I STILL AM SAD ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM IN SERENITY.)

Supernatural. Whew boy. I have a lot of favorites. I'm going to have to go with Dean, though. I mean, I have a lot of characters I love in this fandom, but Dean has always been a constant. Dean has done stupid shit that I'm like, "D< DEAN WAT U DOIN," but I've always kind of had his back on things. I have a soft spot for him and his near-obsession with his family. Dark Side of the Moon is one of my absolute favorite episodes because it shows a side of Dean we are not usually privy to but know exists, which is the strong, practically self-destructive love for his family. And to see his reactions to Sam's memories, it's heartbreaking. I think Jensen does a wonderful job bringing so many layers to Dean and I just love seeing him on screen.


oh man making a tumblr for these post-its, god help me

fandom, wash is my doppleganger, sharks are a fandom too, i am too lazy to tag this, meme, supernatural

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