Obviously this would be the end where Holmes rescues everyone and Irene is like, "Ooh, let me hit on you, Holmes," and Holmes is not buying it. (He is tempted on the inside. You know if she just grabbed his head and made out with him he would be all over that for a few seconds before being like, "EXCUSE ME MADAM BUT NO") Dean would obviously be confused Holmes is not buying what Irene is selling and Sam would be like, "He is a gentleman, Dean," and Watson would be very happy Sam understands that Holmes is awesome and he would give Sam a hug because they are BEST FRIENDS NO MATTER WHAT TIME PERIOD THEY ARE IN.
(Not to blow my own horn, but I really like how their profiles came out. Like, Holmes, you looking good, boy! Not to mention they look in proportion with one another. GOOD JOB, SELF. Obviously after the profiles looked awesome I stopped caring, hahaaaaaa.)
Haha, oh gosh, I feel bad because in these I only ever seem to draw Dean shouting in caps, and everyone else is like lolwut, shut up dean.
I always had the feeling Irene had a kind-of crush on Holmes and Holmes may have had a thing for her but for real he would never tap that. I mean, honestly, c'mon, he wouldn't tap that. Even if he WANTED to, he wouldn't. (But I would still kind of want that to happen, and then the morning after Holmes would wake up and his pocketwatch would be stolen and he'd be like, "...IRENE DAMMIT") I always thought this characterization of her as a thief was funny, because I don't believe she actually stole anything; Holmes was after her due to the picture already in her possession, and she was just into getting away, not really blackmailing the prince she was with. I guess because she totally disgused herself and saw through Holmes disguise? But in her original story, she was a pretty straight-laced chick who was quite perceptive and just wanted to live her life. I guess everyone's fanning over the Holmes/Irene pairing was all, "OH BUT SHE'S A THIEF AND CONFLICTED LOOOOOOVE". If I have that wrong, please please tell me and I will so edit this paragraph. I haven't read A Scandal in Bohemia in a loooong time. (Note: I checked on Wikipedia, and nowhere in Doyle's stories does it mention her even dabbling in crime.)
After Dean was done hitting on hookers, he would hit on Irene. And Cas would probably tell her. Like, "My friend would probably hit on you, since you are a woman." And Irene would laugh it off until he actually did hit on her and she would turn to Cas and be like, "Well, it would seem you know your friend well," and Sam would glance at Cas and Cas would shrug.
I WANT IRENE TO BE ALL PROTECTIVE OVER CASTIEL I THINK THAT WOULD BE ADORABLE. He not understanding what's going on and Irene standing up for him when Moriarty picks on him. AWW BFFS 4 LYFE.
Here, last time I didn't put this up, but I've been seeing this SPN meme pop up on my flist and I thought I'd give it a whirl.
The character I first fell in love with: (THE IMPALA DUUUUUR. But the Impala will always be my first love.) Honestly, it was both Winchesters. What is there not to like about season one's Sam and Dean? Sam with his little bangs and laptop and always being like, "WE HAVE TO FIND DAD," and Dean's smart-ass little comebacks and playing tricks on his brother and his way of kicking supernatural creatures to the curb. But the thing that got me was when Dean calls John in "Home" and leaves the message.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Gabriel for SURE. I had seen "Tall Tales" before I ever really got into the fandom and enjoyed it. Seriously, I love all three episodes he's been in. I mean, I love the character of the Trickster period, but I especially loved him getting fleshed out in season five (and ending up being a badass renegade archangel). Him and Chuck. Oh jeez. Like, don't get me started on either of them. OH CHUCK SO AWKWARD ON THE LITTLE STAGE TRYING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS.
The character everyone else loves that I don't: I want to say Uriel or Anna. I mean, I don't hate them, but the more I go back and watch the episodes they are in, the more my mind just makes a yuck face. I would also say Zachariah but I have a feeling people don't like him as much thought he was funny at times and then were glad he was gone.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Ruby 2.0 would probably be the one topping that list. I hated Ruby 1.0, but I liked her second version. I think it's the end where she basically shoves it right into Sam's face and I was like, "No, seriously, you had everyone out for you and you still managed to get the job done. WAY TO GO RUBY BUT NOW I'M RLY GLAD DEAN KILLED YOU." I would say that I loved to hate her, really.
The character I would shag anytime: OH GOSH LIKE EVERYONE IN SUPERNATURAL. Thinking reality-wise, it would probably be Chuck. Or Gabriel. Dean's a slut, Sam has a death!peen, Cas is relatively asexual. Chuck would probably be just as hilariously awkward as me trying to get someone to sleep with them, and Gabriel would just be FUN. (Everything aside, I would probably do everyone in Supernatural. Of course, there are exceptions. Not anyone who is dead. Bobby and I is BFF, not sleeping partners. And so on.)
The character I'd want to be like: DUDE JOSHUA. Let me live in Heaven and trim the hedges and have nice one-to-ones with God, that would be AWESOME.
The character I'd slap: Probably both Winchesters. They need a good slap every now and then! (Since I'm a chick and I can't slap hard, maybe they wouldn't kick my ass.)
A pairing that I love: Who doesn't love a little Sassy? Also, seriously guys, Castiel/Gabriel. DON'T HATE.
A pairing that I despise: Anna/anyone. Also, Zachariah/Mary UGH. Otherwise I'm pretty cool.
My five favorite characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Chuuuuuuuuuck.
My five least favorite characters: Zachariah, Anna, Ruby 1.0, that annoying chick Sam made out with in "Providence" and...oh jeez. Ansem. (Whenever I see his name I immediately think of Kingdom Hearts.)
Which character I am most like: Oh jeez. If Dean and Gabriel could have a child that Sam ended up raising, it would probably be me.
My deep, dark fandom secret: I really don't get Sam/Dean. I MEAN I DO BUT I DON'T BECAUSE I WILL ONLY SEE THEM AS BROTHERS. D: Apparently this mindset could get me killed in parts of the fandom. I don't hate Wincest, but it's more like I don't really see it (in a serious way) and don't ever want to see them more as brothers. For goodness sake, keep shipping them until you can't ship 'em no more, but I just...see them as two awesome bros.
Oh man. I really am the Dean/Gabriel love child that Sam raised. OH MAAAAAAN.
I am probably going to end up seriously writing this Sherlock Holmes/SPN crossover. Like, I'm basically drawing scenes and outlining the story. (It's not like I'm not writing the third part to my Michael story and the sequel to my anon-porn. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE I'VE WRITTEN FIC SO FUCKING LONG HOW DID I START WRITING IT AGAIN)
My life today:
- Go to work.
- Meet Kelly to try and get the film out of her camera.
- Try to meet up with Lauren.
- Draw until Supernatural comes on.
- Watch Supernatural and become a fangirl mess for an hour.
- End up writing/drawing more.
- Stay up until an obscene hour and go to bed.
EDIT: I just saw a commerical that was selling a birth control option by having a woman that had awful kids tearing up things in the supermarket and her house. THIS IS A COMMERICAL FOR BIRTH CONTROL. It is basically saying, "My kids are awful, I don't need more." Liiiiiike, I'm all for birth control but seriously? It just squicked me a little that the woman in the commerical was deciding because she couldn't keep a handle on her kids and they were causing trouble.