Fortune cookies and update on moar sketches!

Mar 14, 2009 16:54

I actually take fortune cookies a good deal more seriously than my friends. I make the other person pick the cookie of their choice, and then I get to choose. I save all my fortunes. I love fortune cookies. I've actually gotten really silly ones lately! A recent one said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." Yes, I quite agree, fortune cookie. My favorite one said, "Well, why not? Admit it - you're intrigued." And I was like, "Why yes, now I am, fortune cookie!" Usually they are more insightful, but I kind of like this new abstract approach.

I keep hearing Ringo Starr and "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" on the hotel radio and although these are not bad choices of music, I haven't even been here 3 full hours yet.

Kate and I are going up to Boston to chill for a few days! I'm so excited! Like, just getting out of the state is exciting. Haha! (However, I am upset that I couldn't find my passport and therefore couldn't visit Cassie and Julia this upcoming week. D: I feel like such a bad friend.)

We're doing portraiture in photo and I'm simply ecstatic to do it because people are by far my favorite photo subjects. (And I get to do it over Spring Break and photo Kate all around Boston? OH YEAH) Human interaction is afterwards and EVEN MORE EXCITING

(as a small side note: i'm glad i'm excited about class again. it's been a while.)

I'm reading up on the American Revolution and IT'S REALLY EXCITING GUYS WHY DON'T WE TALK ABOUT THIS MORE? I'm going to draw pictures of George Washington shoving a cake in George III's face and laughing maybe. (even though george III wasn't a stupid king, but i don't think i should even get started on that)

Might post more sketches. Not as much coloring, more just doodles. Hopefully you wouldn't mind seeing just doodles? :D?

[i think reading is far underrated these days]

hi headquarters, photo, fortune cookies, ramble ramble ramble, road trip ahoy!, music

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