Feb 01, 2009 19:55

First, a meme!

Pick one word from each pair that you think describes me the best and comment with your choices. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.

☆ dominant or submissive
☆ logical or intuitive
☆ social or loner
☆ kinky or vanilla
☆ cute or sophisticated
☆ kitten or puppy
☆ warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
☆ leader or follower
☆ quiet or talkative
☆ spontaneous or planned
☆ teddy bear or porcelain doll
☆ hiking or window shopping
☆ tequila or vodka
☆ top or bottom
☆ bare foot or shoes
☆ jeans or slacks
☆ tender or rough
☆ aware or dreamy
☆ nerd or jock
☆ brains or brawn
☆ common sense or book smarts

SOOOO i'm currently loving the pairing of mad hatter/alice and before you tell me, "OH SHIT WHAT THE HELL MAN", LET ME JUST SAY go here first and then check this shit out. you can't tell me it's ADORABLE. plus, her art is AMAZING.

(and it's made me become a loser and start typing fanfiction for disney at WORK and i haven't written fanfiction in HOW LONG? oh my GOD. but i need somebody to look over it because UGH CHARACTERIZATION MAN. D: and i've also been drawing for it. HALP PLZ)

school tomorrow. D: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

alice/mad hatter is pretty cute, fangirl, fucking fanfiction!, oh yeah, meme, oh shit

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