Okay, seriously, even though I may bitch a whole bunch about working at a hotel, check out this piece of amazingness (that I will weave into a short story, lol):
So, needless to say, it's a slow night. We have 17 check-ins at 3 PM (a good day for the hotel is usually around 45 check-ins). (Later on, we'll have about 8 check-ins around 5:30. Seriously, it's a slow night.) Even though it's slow, both Amber and I have to stay until 11 because I'd be all alone (and we're not allowed to be alone without a houseman).
This lady comes up to me and asks to check-in. In the process of getting her in her room, her husband comes up behind her. I say, "I need your credit card." He says, "Oh, you want real money?" Of course, I shoot back, "No, I mean the fake money." Luckily, he laughs, and I'm like, Whew! (Sometimes guests don't take the sarcasm well.) He asks me where he can find a good seafood resturaunt. The one I was going to recommend has just given away 10% coupons to the hotels (if we give away enough, we get a free lunch, lol), so I write my name on the back and give him one. He thanks me, they go to dinner. He keeps visiting the desk asking us little questions, and I label him as my 'favorite guest for the night' because not only are he and his wife super nice but they are also a cute couple. :D
When I am making coffee, they give Amber the coupon card back with a web address on the back. She says, "I don't know, he says they would be a quiz on it." I took this to mean a quiz on the website, so I'm like, "SWEET LET'S CHECK THIS OUT." Dude, look at this!
He is an opera badass who also likes flying and motorcycles! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. I was like, "Dude, Amber, look at him. He's a badass opera singer." So, not only was he and his wife ultra-nice, they are also badasses on motorcycles. (And she has a pilot license. FOR REAL.)
I thought I had missed them for the night, but then they came up to the desk. His wife was like, "Did you look at the website?" and I was all, "OMG YES IT WAS SO COOL." Since the website had photography on it, I was like, "Haaaaay, look at my TLR camera plz!" and he was like, "COOL I'MA TAKE A PICTURE OF IT." So he grabs his camera, comes back downstairs, and takes a picture of me and my camera. (I, of course, look like a total douche, but it's okay.) I also show him my teashades, and he shoots a few photos of that as well while we talk to his wife. They tell us about flying and motorcycles (his wife tells me I have to learn how to drive because it is sweet as all get out) and they have def. won my vote for my favorite guests of the night.
And then he's like, "Heeeeey, do you want a camera?" I'm like, "UM YES PLZ" and he says, "It's an old Pentax 1000."
Guys, this is the camera that EVERYONE used to learn on. It's not the best camera by any means, but it's a pretty nice camera to take pictures with. (Plus, it's all metal--how cool is THAT?) He's like, "We have a couple lenses for it and everything. I can send it to you and you can pay me back for the shipping costs and all." I am in seventh heaven. I cannot believe this. Not only are he and his wife the cutest thing ever, but they have agreed to give me this camera for practically NOTHING. He asks me if I have any pictures on the internet, and I'm like, "lol, on Facebook." He says, "You should e-mail me some!" I'm like, "haha, i TOTALLY will!"
I have made a new friend and gotten a new camera, all in one night. (And this really cute guy just checked in with the most amazing blue eyes. Guh.)
All in all, it's been a great night.