Oct 14, 2008 01:17
Someone tell me why I'm watching Dreamcatcher, which is kind of a god awful movie? (Let me answer that for you, I'd do all the four main characters I really have no clue except I loved the book.)
When I got it at Blockbuster, the dude (who had been kind of stalking us through the small BB) asked me if I read the book. I said, "hells yeah." He then proceeded to tell me that he had read practically every Stephen King book, and then asked me what my favorite King book was. I was like, "UM IT DUH" and then told me I should read this book that's kind of similar to The Stand but it's a nuclear holocaust and it follows the people for a couple years and that's when I walked out. (He gave me two movies for free? I do not know exactly why but really I do not care because TWO FREE MOVIES YAH.) After pondering this for two seconds as I opened my car door, I came to two conclusions:
1.) That guy was a little weird. Or maybe I am too approachable? (If the latter, damn you, Hampton Inn, I blame this on you.)
2.) I go into Blockbuster way too often. (But my friend works there, and I got to see him tonight so that was cool. :D )
...I re-rented Yellow Submarine. I am seriously thinking about just stealing it and paying them the 23 dollars for lost fees. (By the way, TOTALLY drew the YS Beatles at work the other day to keep from going into a computer trance. D: I smudged Paul's eyebrow. I was kind of disappointed.)
I rented 21 (i blame jim sturgess) and Definitely, Maybe (i blame on ellen and my strange attraction to ryan reynolds). Seeing that watching Dreamcatcher once is really enough for me, I just might watch these two before I have to give them back.
I wish I had a history class in college again. D:
Design Principles Class:
Ally: Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
Me: Hmn. Considering this is hell, I say it's hot in here. Although I'm actually not really that hot. ....And if this is hell, that should kind of make me wonder.
[i do sometimes listen to rap and i've learned not to really listen to the words]
movie talk,
real life