Roger Ebert has finally caught on.

Sep 28, 2008 17:41

If you haven't gone to today, please go. You'll find a 'Catch Me At My Best!' card that explains exactly how I feel about working at the Hampton Inn. (Catch Me At My Best is a thing we do in the summer that tries to make you work extra hard so the assholes who stay here put in a good word about you. Basically.)

I loled at it.

Another funny thing -- Robert Ebert's comment to a person on his blog:

Question: Yo dude, u missed out on "Disaster Movie," a hardcore laugh-ur-@zz-off movie! Y U not review this movie!? It was funny as #ell! Prolly the funniest movie of the summer! U never review these, wat up wit dat?

Ebert's Response: Hey, bro, I wuz buzier than $#i+, @d they never shoed it b4 hand. I peeped in the IMDb and saw it zoomed to #1 as the low$ie$t flic of all time, wit @ lame-@zz UZer Rating of 1.3. U liked it? Wat up wit dat?

I loled.

I AM AT WORK SO I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH TRUE BLOOD UNTIL TOMORROW. SERIOUSLY, YOU GUYS, I REALLY WANTED TO SEE ERIC. D: I seriously doubt it comes OnDemand two hours after it airs, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I keep hearing it's the best episode so far.

Wow. I almost went on a complete bitch-a-thon about rude guests here. Whew. but I stopped myself because it totally isn't worth it. Today, at least.

...I am going to call my friend and hope she can pick up dinner. That would totally make my day.

[japanese people are in the lobby and i wished i could pick out more than one or two words, lol]


lol, hi headquarters, true blood

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