I was thinking about what bands make me feel what. [I had to get my iTunes out and jam to some while writing these, I'm not gonna lie.] Feel free to comment on any of these.
(This turned out SUPER LONG. I'm just warning you.)
When I listen to Panic! At The Disco, I think of my first year of college. I think of the dorms and jazz dancing in our room in front of Julie's long mirror. (Contrast: When I listen to their new album, it reminds me of driving down long roads with blooming trees. Petals on the pavement. Blue skies with white clouds. Sunshine.)
When I listen to Pretty Girls Make Graves, it reminds me of the first summer I worked at Macy's. It makes me think of Tae and the fun we had working together in the juniors department. It reminds me of the smell of new bathing suits and hoping to God I didn't work with Camille (the bitch of the department).
Fall Out Boy makes me think of Tigs, haha, vampires, and big vans.
Kate Rusby always reminds me of Nina, especially listening to 'The Cobbler's Daughter' or 'Drowned Lovers' (because she was the one to give me those songs). Kate Rubsy also reminds me of The Dark Tower series.
Matchbox Twenty was my very first band, so listening to the first CD will always make me think of my old house, of my old boombox and the Barbies underneath my bed. Of garden wallpaper and white washed wicker chairs that really weren't my style. Of how easy life was way back when.
When I think of The Black Keys, it makes me think of my friends and I getting high in their garages. Chilling and rockin' out. Thick smoke in the air and cigarettes hanging off your lips.
When I think of Jason Mraz, I think of summer. Bright sun and sprinklers. Overcast days and green, green trees. Riding in the car with the A/C out and the windows down, letting the wind shake your hair. Of summer nights when the starts are their brightest. Tank-tops and sandals without a care in the world. The most relaxing time of your life.
Regina Spektor reminds me of Cassie, always will. Crying in the dark and laughing in the sun. The hurt and the remedy.
No lie, of all the things Maroon 5 makes me think of, the first thing that comes to mind is X-Men Evolution. Anyone ever watch that cartoon? lol, yeah. Second thing? Someone whispering secrets into your ear with their hands around your waist. Saying they want you without actually saying exactly what they want.
John Mayer makes me think of becoming jaded. Of happiness and how precious it is. It reminds me of the sadness that waits behind but also the joy in the front of it all. It's a slow dance in a crumbling ballroom. It's meeting that perfect person and the next day they're gone without a trace.
When I listen to Jimi Hendrix, it reminds me of huge masses of people under hot lights. Screaming microphones and feedback on the speakers. The 60's.
Jill Sobule and Ani Difranco make me think of Elizabeth. Elizabeth in eighth grade, right before we started high school. Her room on the top floor, her old family room where we watched numerous animes and movies. Us making chicken and dumpling soup in mugs instead of bowls. Her dog Patrick. Her creaky old house in the city. (Jethro Tull reminds me of Elizabeth in high school. Jethro Tull and John Legend, haha.)
Jack's Mannequin always reminds me of Daniel and driving in his car to school. High school mornings sitting in his car talking drama or classes or his latest boy toy.
Jack Johnson is in the photo lab developing pictures in the darkroom.
I listen to the Garden State soundtrack and think of long road trips in the summer, the map on your friend's lap, trying to figure out where you're going to go or where you're headed to. Sleeping in hotels, eating through drive-thrus and laughing inbetween sentences.
No matter what Dave Matthews Band song it is, it's always Heather. Heather and all those summers at Paint Crew laughing the days away. Paint in your hair and on your jeans, white and cream and yellow and tan. Painting the ceilings, the mini-speakers that connected to my portable CD player, plastic on the beds and the floor. Sleeping on the 15-mintue break, going to Cool Beans for lunch and playing on the computers.
Ben Harper reminds me of walking in the forest with nothing but what's on my mind.
Haha, when I listen to Bob Dylan, it makes me think of Barnes and Noble and the cute Scot at the counter. (He said cheers to me twice yesterday. It was adorable.)
The Bright Lights, Big City soundtrack def. reminds me of singing on the phone with Nina late at night and watching House on USA at 11 o' clock at night in the summer. (It also makes me think of driving to work at Macy's.)
The numerous, unspecified rap songs I have on CD in my car are driving in Allie's car, her with a cigarette in her hand and the sun roof up. (There is one song that specifically reminds me of her and I, and that's Lean Like A Cholo. At the beach, she started singing it and I filled in the parts she didn't know, and vice versa. We could not stop laughing for the life of us.)
Loreena McKennitt, for some odd reason, reminds me of my aunt's townhouse. Staying there with her for weeks at a time. Good and bad times.
Modest Mouse reminds me of Amber. I have no idea why, but everytime I see the name or listen to them, I think of her.
Any Motown reminds me of my dad, haha!
RENT reminds me of my last years in high school. It also reminds me of writing. (Of course, that's just the surface.)
Feeling Electric is bittersweet feelings, of silly phone calls at three in the morning. Of mini-vacs and Chef Boyardee. The last part of senior year, when Anna became my friend. Of me and Nina and Tigs on the phone and the memorable 2-hour long LJ voicemail call. It also makes me think of Kylie.
When I listen to Vanessa Carlton, it makes me think of first moving into the new house, of staying in what is now my brother's room. When the moonlight would spill from my windows at night.
The Who is Drawing II class last spring, with Baba O' Riley in my ear and Professor Brown looking over my shoulder. Charcoal and paper. (It also reminds me of blue eyes and New York City, wonder why?)
When I hear The Wild Party (Lippa version), it makes me think of Julia. Julia and her birthday party with the 20's speakeasy in her garage and her guests as gangsters.
tick, tick...BOOM! makes me think of Kate. Kate and riding on the bus with her to the VPA Portfolio Show Day. Senior year of high school. It reminds me of how I used to be. Reminds me of how short life really is; puts things in perspective. It makes me think of photographing the old mall with Kate those few days. Right before college.
The Monkees pretty much makes me think of the immense crush I used to have on Davy Jones when I was a small child. Hahah, oh, Davy Jones. Like, everyone fell in love with Davy, c'mon. It just makes me happy.
The Beatles.
The Beatles make me think of all the times I might have missed. It reminds me of how much love hurt but how good it felt to be in it. It reminds me of how bad things were and how good things are now. It'll always remind me of this year, where I finally found out how to be happy. It reminds me of peace and love and laughter. Make me think of the hotel, too. Of all the slow winter shifts when all we did was look things up on the computer and laugh and laugh and laugh.
They remind me of blueberry tea at midnight, haha.
Make me think of how stupid I was and how open my eyes are now. They remind me how to work for what you want. They remind me of hot summer days (Abbey Road) and cold winter nights (The White Album). Remind me of how important it is to really live now instead of planning to live. Of how unlikely and unpredictable everything is. They remind me of how great the world used to be. They make me think of how low I was and how I was rescued. Of how great it felt to finally find that puzzle piece I needed to make me...me.
They remind me of hope.
Whew. Okay, I think I'm done writing for now. Tonight it's some serious chill time with the stepsis.
Tell me what music reminds you of. I'd love to hear it, man.
[take a good look around you, see]