everything i see is beautiful.

Mar 06, 2008 14:33

My Rolleicord is such a wonderful camera. And I'm experimenting with the Diana again, damn me.

I feel horrible that I can't help everyone who's suffering.

Candy Cane Lane tea is one of the best things on earth.

I'm starting to feel preachy whenever I talk about Buddhism now. But please understand, it saved me from this deep pit of depression I was in. I owe it so much. (Same goes for the Beatles, man. It was a hand-in-hand thing.)

I would really love to become a photographer for a magazine. Take pictures, have them published. I think that would be one of my dream jobs. I don't have to be the next Annie L, but I just want to be proud of my pictures, y'know?

I'm going to Salem, MA for spring break with Kate, Katy, and Ellen. I'm so damn excited to be going somewhere!

I need to get out of this place. I'm growing spiritually but I don't really feel like my life is moving. I feel stagnant.


This song is eating my life. (p.s. - if anyone has Paul McCartney's album McCartney, i would love you forever.) And George Harrison's last album kind of makes me want to cry a little.

Hard to live without something to live for.

[music and buddhism saved my life]

traveling, buddhism, beatles, camera pr0n, music is my life, life in general, tea is delish

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