A chance to breathe!

May 21, 2006 20:52

I found out last week that this school has no room for me next year. Can you say CRUSHED?! Ugh. The principal emailed his friend, who's a principal in a nearby town. He's very supportive and wants me to get a job, which I appreciate.

Friday was a CRAZY day. The power in the school went out at 9:45am. I taught in the dark for 2 hours before they decided they needed to transport us to another elementary school in town. As soon as we got on the buses and were all buckled in, the power came back on. Figures, right? We went back inside and the afternoon was all messed up. We shoved the kids out the door at the normal release time, and right before I left, I checked my email. A school in the next town wanted to interview me on Monday for a middle school math position! YAY! So I went to talk to the principal and he told me to take the day off. I typed up sub plans and got everything ready before I left to go to Ed's. But now, I still haven't heard about a time. I check my email every two seconds. I guess I'll call the school when it opens to ask what time I should go in. I can't wait another day - kindergarten orientation is on Tuesday, and I NEED to be there. I have assessments to do on my kids this week - I can't take off another day. But hopefully, this will work out.

I SO needed Friday night. Ed and I went to a new japanese restaurant that was really good, then played japong at his place. I kicked his ass 4 games to 1!! BWAH! Soon after, I passed out with Ginger laying between the couch and myself, and her paw on my ass, lol.

Today, Jay's sister came over for a Mary Kay consultant thingy. I've been avoiding it because I knew I'd buy stuff. I was right. She left with $81 of my money, lol.

Everyone, keep your fingers crossed about tomorrow!

UPDATE: The interview is at 12:30 tomorrow. Who sends out that kind of important email at 10:30 the night before?
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