Feb 07, 2007 14:40
The Difference in My World
He is all I think about
Day and night,
Each warm gentle touch of velvet,
Each slow loving blissful kiss
Each soft caring word
His rich gazing eyes tell me he loves me
His sweet smile warms my heart
I love him
With all of my heart and the depths of my soul
Each day without him is an eternity of empty promises
At night before I can sleep I think of him,
His eyes,
His strong arms enveloping me,
His warm lips pressed to mine;
Also what life would be like,
You know, without him,
The funny thing is,
I can’t
I can’t picture a thing.
We all have our secrets,
He is one of mine.
Sometimes, I feel so alone
All his features just appear in my mind.
I smile
He has been my only true love,
The only one to love me back
Every time I see or speak to him
It’s never the same
I try harder and harder
To keep one secret
A secret I don’t want to turn away
One I pray his ears never hear
O how I do love him
If he finds out
What will become of me?
My only love
Finding my only true fear
A past I long to forget,
A future I long to enjoy
Can I be with him,
Without him finding a secret past?
A past long since repressed
How can he love a liar?
A girl who won’t admit her own sleep depriving regrets
A girl with a “perfect” life
A secret that kills her from the inside
I will never tell,
A secret I may have imagined
It could be true,
Like I said:
“A past long since repressed”
Or in this case possibly forgotten in fear
I wish not to dwell on the past
But to live for the future
He is my future
My life,
My love,
My haven,
I don’t believe he’ll ever truly understand
How important he is to me
He has changed my life
He led me out of my emotion filled and lifeless confinement
With each touch, kiss, and word
I never want to loose that
He has taught me so much
How to live,
And even how to trust
Yet I still hide,
I taught myself how to hide
Hide emotion,
Even secrets,
There is so much he doesn’t know
Yet more still he does
The more he loves me
The more I hide
Each passing day
I ask myself why
Why don’t I spill my heart out?
I can’t
To many years
Fighting tears from my eyes
I am scared to death
I’ve been hurt before
Guys toying with my heart
Killing me slowly
Then I met him
Yet still I barricade myself
Too frightened to tell him anything
If only I could I can’t break his heart
I couldn’t anyway
He is my ocean, land and air
Each breathtaking smile
Every wonderful moment we spend together
Me wrapped in his arms
He whispering sweet words in my ear
All the little games we play
All live inside my heart
I could never forget him
Never hurt him
The only thing I fear is him
He has the power
To cause heartbreak
Everyone says “She’s a tramp, a slut”
Don’t waste your breath!
I am not a tramp
Not a slut
I can love
And I am in love
He may never truly understand me
But he can try
I try my hardest
To love
And be honest
With him
Sometimes it’s easy
Other times it’s not
When he looks at me
I never want him to stop
I just want him to understand
I am scared
Scared of the truth
Scared I may wake up
And he won’t be there
Everything I’ve ever done
Doesn’t matter
All that matters
Is that I care about him
My future
And family
Those are the only important things left
How else to I describe this
Love has changed my life
It has left pain that never rests
It has left me vulnerable
I am young,
But I know so much
Please try to understand
He is all I think about
Day and Night
Each warm gentle touch of velvet
Slow loving blissful kiss
Soft caring word
All make the difference in my world…