Charm 08

Nov 29, 2011 15:34

[Gwendolen is rocking back and forth, idly dragging her nails across her arms. It seems that the sickness has taken a turn for the worse for her, and something is not quite right in her mind. She could see shadowy monsters scratching at the window, making their way in]

Oh, that's it. How can I have not realized it sooner?
I just know it! He planned all of this! I just know they're watching, mocking me! Didn't want to deal with me so just toss me away will you! Well that was my plan, so I could finally get you awful people to notice me! And now I'm away from that horrid castle in a lovely place of my own so hah! But you have a change a thought did you! Now realize that I'm special but you don't want that, so you decide to make me miserable! I Never get sick! And now you want to kill me!

Go away you nasty little monsters!
[She shrieks and breaks the mirror nearby and runs out of her room and outside]

a little backdated, event

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