*she likes me for me*

Oct 16, 2004 23:34

hey well i have this song stuck in my head that i'm not in love with. it goes...
"she likes me for me, not becoz i hang with leonardo, or that guy who plays in fargo.."
and i cant remember the rest lol. i wanna dl it but my limewire's being gay.
well i realized i was being totally pms-ee and bitchy all this week n last. so i really apologize guys. and i also had another epiphany. (jamie is that rite?)
that well...
when im drunk im totally dumb, do stupid things, and make stupid decisions.
and i'm sorry all who had to witness or be involved in it.
so i'm quitting drinking (for the most part)
and well... i also realized that i'm stupid even wen im not drunk... so now what am i gonna do???
OMG I'm so happy! i got the song! Jamie its by Blessed Union of Souls. and its called "Hey Leonardo (She likes me for me)" omg i want it to finish dling! ahhh
well so here's my weekend. thursday made a total fool outa myself being the dumbass that i am. had class the next morning and bombed all 3 tests (im praying i didn't)
got caught by my teacher throwing up. then went to the beach with jamie, adam n julie. we met up with stephen, eric n erika. then jamie spent the nite.
then saturday... hmm i forgot. oh yea laid out n got tanz! hoosa! then volunteered, put applications for the orginial steakhouse and went with brian to david's house. met up with eleni n tracy and spied on them haha! yes!
ahhh... for some reason my comp is tooo gay for its own good and wont let me play music. gotta go fix it!
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