Last Day Of Summer =[

Sep 04, 2006 13:58

Yeah this is pretty sad, this is the last day of summer & im sitting ont he computer. Probably because i had plans & the person i made plans with decided to stay at work forever, so im pretty ticked off.. Im wasteing my last day of summer sitting at home, and by time he gets home we arent even gunne beable to do what we planne don doing.
This is probbaly the most stupidest last day of summer ever, so i hope that person is happy =]

I really hate waiting on people, i know im an impatient person, but come on.. how hard is it to give a person a call & tell them whats going on, or atleast pick up your stupid phone..
I dont care, im making other plans & if they get mad because i didnt wait for them they can bite me..thats not how i uh, R ..O ..L ..L

Whatever im sick of this.. he wonders why i dont wanna go back out with him either, hmm.. probably because he's never reliable =]
Something as stupid as this can make you realize stuff about people.

No Hearts today..
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