Soo Happy =D

Aug 16, 2006 15:58

Since LAke Ann ive been working a lot, & hanging out with friends.
The first night i got home i just relaxed & went to bed super early.
Sunday i woke up early, went to church & then to sunday school, then out to lunch with Amanda, Stephanie, Andy & Stephs sister Jen. That was fun.. Andys really cool & im happy they're together & engaged. I worked a little bit, then went back to church & gave my testimony of Lake Ann. I think i was the only one who listened to the directions of writing it down, which im glad i did because then i didnt pause & cry or anything like half the other people did. I hate it when peopel cry, it makes me want to cry :(
After i went to Kathy & Jerrys for a video with everyone, good video.
Then Jared came over to my house.. kinda occward at first but we started talking a lot.. cool guy.
Monday, i just finished working on some things.. i kinda forgot what i did that day.. hmm
YEsterday i did some school shopping at Lakeside with Amanda & Mel. I had a dentist appointment too.. Its so relieving when they tell you that you have no cavities, i never have had one, i dont knwo what im gunna do when i finally get one.. :-/
Today, i just worked for a few hours..
Im done filling out my applications, im giving the St. Clair ones today & taking the Marysville ones tomorrow or something.. or Friday, i dont know.

Next Saturday, Cant wait. Me, Andrew, Shannon, Britt, Sara, & Amanda are going to Taylor to see Jake & Matt & maybe even Trent♥
Today i talked to Trent online & confessed my love for him, ahhahah.. just kidding. I just told him how i had this big crush on him & he was kinda shocked & told me he liked me to. Kinda exciting, but since he lives away from me.. it sucks.

Okay im bored & have an hour til i need to get ready..
The Who's

Who is in the house with you?
No one.. my dads mowing the lawn, & jen & my mom are in sandusky

Who was the last person to IM you?

Who are you thinking about now?
Trent.. & Jake & everyone going Saturday

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
My Momma

Who was your favorite teacher?
Carlson is the MAN

Who's birthday is next?
Its Trevors ((From camp)) today

Who was the last person you told you love them?
Jake, haha he's the man

Who do you wish you were with right now?
No one really.. i kinda wish trent lived 3 hours closer, but hey what can i do.

Who's your favorite relative?
My Grandma Ruth ♥

The Where's

Where do you go to school?

Where do you live?

Where is your phone?
right next to me

Where are your parents?
Moms At Work, Dads Mowing The Lawn

Where do you sleep?
In m Bed in My Bedroom

Where do you shop the most?
American Eagle

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Sams club

Where did you last take a car ride to?
Uhh.. Yesterday.. Home from Steves

Where in your house are you?
Basement Office

The What's

What was the last thing you ate?
French Fries, Duhhh

What was the last thing you drank?

What color pants are you wearing?
Im not wearing pants.. haha

What kind of cell phone do you have?

What is the closest item near you that is blue?

What is your favorite color?

What messaging service do you use?
AIM & MSN & Texting

What is your screen name?
LiLchamberlin32 on AIM

What is your most used away message?
Out, Call The Cell If You Need Me

What is your favorite website?
Myspace i guess..

What is your favorite shoe brand?
Old Navy Flip Flops :)

What do you wear more: jeans or shorts?

What is the last movie watched?
World Trade Center

What song do you currently hear?
I dont have music on right now

The Why's

Why are you taking this survey?
Im bored.. i dont want to work right now

Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
Because.. since everyone has one you gotta have one to.

Why did you pick your myspace username?
because its my aim name & easy to remember that way

Why is your best friend your best friend?
Because theres no oen like them

Why did you choose your livejournal username?
Same as the other one

The When's

When did everyone become obsessed with myspace?
This year

When do you start school again?
September 5th

When did you meet your best friend?
1) -amanda- 1st Grade
2) -jessica- Kindergarden
3) -20 best friends- Lake Ann

When did you last go to the mall?

When did you last buy a new pair of pants?

When did you last burn a candle?
I dont know..

When were you last at school?
Um.. When we got out for Summer

When did you last see your dad?

When did you last take a shower?
Lastnight before i went to bed
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