My First Semester of College...

Dec 19, 2006 09:00

So apparently I'm so used to not getting any sleep that I wake up at the crack of dawn. So what better time to reflect on this past semester...

To be quite honest, I was pretty scared when the time came to move in at LC. I was scared I wouldn't succeed, I was scared I wouldn't make friends, I was scared Alicia wouldn't like rooming with me or vice versa, I was scared that I wouldn't do well at Athletic Training: what if it's not for me? Well I moved in and as soon as I got settled I met up with my CL group, and the 406 crew was united once again. I thought they were just being nice at SOAR, but it turns out they actually do like me! The one I least expected to latch on to me did, and me and Sarah became best friends. That girl is awesome. I love our friendship. Alicia and I turned out to be perfect roomates, respectful of one another, and we actually became friends. Someone I never thought I would ever be friends with in high school, has turned out to be one of the people I value most in life. She's a real sweet girl and I'm really glad we decided to room together. 
I learned a lot my first few weeks of college. I grew up a lot too. I finally stepped out of my typical jeans and a t-shirt wardrobe. I started wearing some real clothes. I learned that I have to adapt a little, these people are mostly from up north, they have money, you've got to deal with it. I learned that in college they don't have all the ridiculous rules in high school: not really a dress code, professors are going to say what they think, and God forbid they might even cuss *gasp* I love it because they don't have to censor themselves, I think you learn a lot more that way. I learned that mommy and daddy aren't there to set a curfew and OH MY GOD you can have boys over whenever you want. You can even cuddle, and mommy and daddy can't say a word. I learned that your college education is your responsibility, no one else's. The teachers aren't trying to get you to pass some standardized test that their salary depends on. College professors really don't give a shit whether you pass or not, after all you're the one paying to take the class. They don't baby you, and remind you when assignments are due, you've got to keep up with it yourself, and if you don't then don't count on them accepting late work. I learned that 8:00 classes are not ideal for me; I'm really not a morning person. I learned that most college guys are just as dumb as all the rest. I got my first hickey. I drank all kinds of new alcohol. I bonged my first beer. I dealt with Lynchburg Cops for the first time, and hopefully the last. I learned that I do better at Spanish at 8:00 friday morning when I'm still drunk from the night before. I also learned that drinking so much has it's toll, so I cut back A LOT believe it or not. Sober nights can be just as fun, if not more. I learned that my family isn't so bad. They're actually pretty cool. I learned that I love Athletic Training, although I'm still not 100% sure it's what I wanna do for the rest of my life. I learned that true friends are the one's who stay in touch, and send you letters and pictures they've colored and they call you spontaneously just to say, "I miss you." I had my 18th birthday. I got a tattoo. I learned that dating guys from home while you're at college doesn't work that well. I think I finally realized that I can't always make everyone happy, and I shouldn't live my life according to what makes someone unhappy or happy. I need to live my life for me. I learned that I can succeed at college, it's possible. 
College is probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I'm glad I'm going, and even though I'll be paying off student loans forever, I'll appreciate it more in the long run. It's a culture shock, especially for someone who's only ever lived in one place, never moved schools her entire life. But I survived, I made mistakes, it wasn't all a piece of cake but then again not a lot of things are. I enjoyed this past semester a lot, and I can't wait until the next one.
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