[[* 1 m0nth t0day *]]

Jul 30, 2002 22:48

t0day wusz mine `nd wi|lsz 1 m0nth! i kn0 itsz n0t that biq a dea| but wh0 caresz. i c0uldn´t wait f0r t0niqht t0 c0me cusz he wusz @ f0otba|l `nd i wusz @ tumb|inq a|l day s0 i 0n|y q0t t0 see him f0r |ike 10 min. in the m0rninq. he came 0va @ 7pm `nd we went t0 dinner @ ca|h0unsz. after we went t0 see "eiqht |eqqed freaksz" but we never rea|ly saw it. |ol. asz much asz i did see ..it wusz a q0od m0vie :) then we went back t0 hisz h0use `nd just watched mtv f0r a bit. i <33 my wi|l! he q0t me a q0|d "TAKEN" charm `nd the cutest teddy bear! we|l ima q0 cause i q0tta qet up ear|y `nd i´m tired. pZ x0x0
[(* cynthia & wi|l *)]

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