0h my jeez! i went h0rseback ridinq t0day w/sarah `nd we had s0o0o much fun! we went 0n thisz cr0ss c0untry trai| `nd were jumpinq |oqsz//bushesz `nd fencesz! 0mq it wusz s0o0o much fun! then we jusz wa|ked f0r a |il bit in the river ..i q0t s0akinq wet th0. 0h we|l! then we went back to the stab|e `nd did a practice hunter c0urse cusz shesz q0inq t0 a sh0w next weekend. i´m n0t q0inq cusz i´m q0inq t0 n0rth car0|ina f0r the weekend. sch0o| startsz next tuesday! i´m s0o mad cusz i q0t ripped 0ff f0r my suMmer vacation! ::qrrr!:: but my dad pr0mised t0 make it up t0 me f0r my bday `nd next suMmer ::yay!:: t0niqht i´m q0inq t0 see "siqnsz" w/wi|l // c0urtney // chris // tay|0r `nd j0e|. we´re |ike the 0n|y 0nesz that haven´t seen it yet! |ol. we|l thatsz it f0r t0day! ttu| x0x0
What Flavor Icecream Are You?cynthia <33