Aug 06, 2002 20:05
t0day i went t0 "suMmer insanity" t0 qet my schedu|e // |0cker // picsz taken // siqn up f0r c|ubsz `nd sp0rtsz // etc. i´m happy w/my c|assesz t0o! 1st term i have ..w0r|d hist0ry h0norsz // ge0metry h0n0rsz // j0urna|ism-yearb0ok-newspaper `nd bi0|0qy h0n0rsz. 2nd term i have ..enq|ish II h0n0rsz // pe // spanish III `nd a|qebra II. i wusz q0nna take NJR0TC but i didn´t qet it. 0h we|l! i sti|l |ike my c|assesz esp.cusz i have 2 c|assesz w/wi|l! hesz in my bi0|0qy `nd hist0ry c|ass. i q0t my |0cker t0o! ::w0oh0o:: |ol. me // c0urtney // heather // whitney // wi|l // chris // j0e| `nd ryan a|l q0t 0ur |0ckersz next to each 0ther ::uqh:: sch0o| startsz exact|y a week fr0m t0day! i s0rta want it t0 start ..but i dun want summer t0 end :( i a|s0 q0t my "c|ass 0f 2005" shirt t0day `nd tw0 0ther cute shirtsz ::0mq:: i´m s0o happy cusz sch0o| startsz @ 8:30 `nd i don´t have t0 be @ the bus st0p ti|l 7:50! i qet t0 s|eep in m0re than i did |ast year! ::yay:: |ol. we|l ima q0. ttu| x0x0
fhs admira|sz c|ass 0f 2005