Jul 01, 2014 01:08

wow it's been a long time.
I'm compelled to write for sad reasons.
LJ is where I found Rik and Ade related fandom, and so it's inevitable I look back on this place after what has happened this month. Rik passing away is still quite unreal to me. Some days I don't even remember, and then I do, and it's that hollow, empty feeling, the clenching of your gut and like someone has crunched their fist right into it. Maybe that's fitting?
I'm not gonna ramble any more. I'll cut to the chase; I've been heartbroken about it all, but drawing helps. and talking to other people helps. Thinking about LJ made me wonder if I know any of you guys over on tumblr, which is my fandom home these days. I don't just gush about Rik there (although that's the main thing right now obviously), I have quite a few kind of random interests. It would be great to catch up with anyone who is interested.
PM me if you are! :) and of course I hope everyone on this old friends list is well. I'm just sorry it took such an event for me to seek this place out again.
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