Yay I am not dead and I really suck at this stuff.

Apr 13, 2005 13:31

No I am not dead, though I bet some of you wish I really were. Ha! thought you were rid of me didn't you? Well that is too bad, I am sticking around and there is nothing any of you can do about it. Good new, I will be back to haunt and torture some of you in another couple of months. Did you miss me? I know you all did you don't have to say it, really.

Did i ever tell you guy how much I hate UCLA? Well if I did I am tell you again, I hate UCLA. They piss me off, it is their fault I am sitting at home bored.

Off an a tangent, I really don't know how people can keep these blog things going and updated daily. Really, how do you do it. Do people have that much shit to rant about? Beside who the fuck want to tell everyone what they do in their daily lives? And who the fuck out there actually cares about what you do in your daily life between brushing your teeth, your pointless ranting and going to sleep at night. Don't any of these people value their personal privacy. Why the hell I am even doing this?

Now back to what I was saying before that little thought, I really miss some UCLA-ians. The wonderful and crazy people in Rieber 5 North, I love you guys really (no sarcasum honest). Deanna, Ryan, Suzanne, Sam, everyone I really miss you guys. I guess I kind miss my fellow Rosemeadians too, Julie and maybe even Steven. Though it feels a lot less crowded without him around. (Hehehe sorry Steven, I just can't restrain my self there)

Good news, I will be staying at UCLA again starting this summer pratically year round. Yay for me! I will be starting apartment life, and will be staying in the Westwood towers on Landfair this summer. Yes Steven, the same building you are staying in now. Be afraid Steven, be very afraid. On the flip side I will promise to bake you cookies, so don't worry the pain is only temorary.

As for what I have been doing with all my free time, I have been doing nothing. Lounging around surfing the net, that pretty much sums up my day. With out my willing victum of all my jokes around (Steven), I have taken up terroizing the rest of humanity. This usually consist of those whom are stuipd enough to initiate conversation with me in chat rooms. As annoying at chat rooms get, they do provide some entertainment. It is hard to believe the level of stupidity people have in there. Sad really, it makes me want to weep for humanity.

Sadly the level of boredom have reached a record high. It is driven me to the point of insanity almost. In fact I was so bored today I actually spent time to set up a Facebook account. Though I have come to realize I have very few people I consider friends. Am I really that unsocialable?

I have picked up running again. I am so proud of my self. Man I was so out of shape. Since I just recently started I am still trying to slowly increase my milage and time. Good news for me at least, I am getting better. *bring out the Kazuus and confetti*

I almost for got I had a LJ account until I recently stumbled across it bookmarked on my computer. Maybe I will update more often for now, but who know when I will neglect it like I always do. That is enough now, I must get back to mopping around and waiting for my flesh to rot off my bones.
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