man i am out of shape!

Sep 28, 2004 02:19

I had a pretty good day today. As fun as it was though I realized how badly out of shape I am. My whold hall had a game of Capture the flag, north vs. south. It was realy awesome, excetp the part when I was wheezing ten minutes into the game. It was really pathetic really. Man I feel like I am going to be sore tomorrow. My cough didn't not help either. I don't really know what I caught but I is really starting to bother me. Through out the whole day I would not stop coughing. They are not light coughs either, i swear i feel like i am hacking up a lung. Is the consuption! Thank Zegers for that one. One of my textbooks finally came in today, yay for me. Now I am still waiting for five more. Those should be comming in within the next few days. As soon as this cough gets better I going to hit the gym or start running. In fact I think i am going to do both. I just hope I don't gain any more weight this year. I need a work out buddy that would push me to get off my ass.

I felt so embarrased today. Earlier I was talking with some of my floor mates, when my PA pulled me aside to tell me he thinks there is chemistry b/t these two people on the floor. Here we strongly discourage floorcest (kind of like incest but with your floor mates). So afterwards he wanted to confront the guy about it and warn him about floorcest. He insisted to drag me into it and made an ass out of both of us. It turned out the guy already had a girlfriend. Man, I was so embarassed and he tried to put the blame on me too! Well that is the hightlight of the day. Adios
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