Well, Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! Hope that everyone's enjoying this whole quality time thing (who knew?? lol). I'd say if you're in town let me know so we can get together, but unfortunately my schedule's crammed and I have to work Black Friday and Saturday @ hobby lobby, which scares me to death. (If you can be pretty flexible though, maybe
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See.... hanging around with Brandon isn't so bad. Smells descent most the time, doesn't beg people to call them, doesn't harass thier friends to pull his finger or sit on his lap, and to top off the list of reasons why hanging out with Brandon isn't a bad thing: Sometimes he even looks good (after about 10 beers who could tell the difference anyway, looked like brad pit at the time....)
Well unfortunately I probably won't be seeing you very soon (I know, I know disapointing), and calling long distance to people your parents don't know is probably not a good idea.... so I guess this blog was only put in place to mock the statements posted above. Sorry about that guys, I haven't slept in 2.5 days... getting a little bit nutty. LOL wooohooo 12 more hours and I'm legally insane. Gooooo 12 hours.
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