Aug 31, 2005 14:31
Okay, today is the third day of college and I'm really enjoying it. I went to visit Jeff on Sunday which was wonderful. The drive, thankfully, is only like 2 and a half hours but I swear it puts me through hickville, USA. I go through towns named Stephenville, Dublin, Blanket, Easy, and finally Brownwood. Most of the route, though, has a speed limit of 70 so it's kind of a fun drive through occassionally-pretty landscape and cute little towns. Next time I'm in Dublin, I need to get some of their famous Dr. Pepper though, and I have orders to bring some back for Katie and Alicia the next time I go. School is pretty cool. Most of my classes are enjoyable. Journalism is gonna be easy-cheesy, I think history is gonna be freakin' AWESOME. The instructor is great, I may need to sign up for his classes in the future on purpose. He's sort of like an old, happy grandfather that has really interesting and entertaining stories to tell and an incredible amount of knowledge. This guy LIVES US History to 1865 and it's awesome for people that enjoy history as well. Freshman seminar is going to be boring but at least it is only 1 hour a week and, therefore, bearable. The instructor we ended up with is kinda blah. He just published a new book and that's the one we'll be using for the class- surprise, surprise. *rolls eyes* Astronomy I'm not sure about. I think the information will be interesting but so far our professor doesn't seem very enthused and, finally, unfortunately, our Principles of Nurtition teacher is very nice she just teaches a really boring topic. :-P Stupid sorority girls keep trying to recruit me-no thank you. The dorm food is actually pretty decent, good even in some cases. Haven't taken my honors theater appreciation yet, that's Thurs night so I'll tell you later. Ummm...what else? That's the basics. Oh, my roomie. She's pretty cool. Nice, intelligent, clean (thank God). My only complaint is the nearly-constant presence of her friends in the room. They basically invite themselves over, lay all over our floor, and get us in trouble after quiet hours by laughing or listening to loud music or making weird noises. It also gets really old when all of their stories start with "dude, do you remember that time when me and (insert other random friend's name here) got drunk and..." or something similar. I realized very early on that I will NEVER be able to study in our room because there's always noise. I honestly would NOT be that surprised if I came in one day and they were in here by themselves while Jennifer was in a class or something. Well, I'll update later, maybe some of you should make your comments on HERE rather than talking with me about it in IM or on the phone. :-P just kidding, do what you want- that's what college is all about, after all!!