Dec 06, 2004 21:46
Well, I stayed up late with Mike last night. I couldn't pull myself away. I am glad he is trying to be my friend again. Maybe.. maybe this way, we can grow again, you know. Like.. that movie 13 Going on 30. See they were best friends, they had a fight and she wished to be 30 and she became 30 and she fell back in love with her best friend but he married someone else. So then she wished she could be 13 again and she fell in love with her best friend then. It's a longer story than that but that's the basic gist of it. I just didn't want him waiting for me since he is about to graduate and maybe he'd want to meet someone else besides waiting for some little kid like me. One day, if we had ever got the chance to sit down and discuss future plans, then I would have a better understanding. I want to study abroad and so does my mother. She wants to send me to Japan to learn more Japanese. Michael wants to be a writer. You know, I could just teach him Japanese and he could go work for a Japanese game company and put his story writing into a video game or several. He is quite talented, he could do it. We could live in the country there and... oh who am I kidding.. I love to dream but it just seems so far away.. I am only 15 years old! ..Ok yes, when I look back, I was once 12 when I met him. I am growing up so fast, maybe I am growing too fast. Next year, I will be driving and having a car.. and be a sophomore.. so much that my brain might pop. Well anyway, I have done better about not bringing up Spencer or if I do, I don't put detail. I don't want to lose Mike again. He's the only online buddy pal I have left.. Since Spencer is grounded for being a lazy ass, I am all alone, online.. everyday.. like a loser. No I am not using Mike as company.. I really want to be able to talk to him and not lose him.. again for the.. 10th time. It was my fault for almost everytime we broke apart. I didn't cherish what I had then and I was just acting.. like a stupid, insecure teenager. Plus I just didn't stay with my own commitment. I didn't call because I thought I was too boring. I didn't write because I got tired of him not writing back but then I complained for nothing.. so he was right. I just never listened and I believe that I am boring that's why. Sorry but the first person I talked to the most on the phone was Kerry. We always talked to the point that we fell asleep on each other. We stayed on the phone from like 8 P.M.-7 A.M. because we fell asleep. x.x; Thank god it was the weekend. But yes, Kerry just seemed to talk about anything and everything and I enjoy free talk like that. Bah! What does that have to do with today.. Ok ok ok, enough about the past and my thoughts on things.. I woke up this morning feeling like a piece of shit ok, shit shit shit. It was like.. I had jumped out my window, landing on the cement slab below. I almost threw up out of no where, my nose was all stuffy and crap. I just looked like.. shit! Since I am on attendence probation however, I cannot miss any more days or I will get removed from the classes with an F and maybe suspended even though I don't know what suspending me will exactly do besides give me more time to sleep. Well so yes, I went to school nearly passing out and after PE and running, I feel even more shitty than before. x.x; My stomach felt like a volcano erupting. It still does. After eating, it felt even worse! I was like oh give me a break, no more stomach viruses!!!! I get one every year. When I came home, I slept, nope still felt worse.. I give up!!! Well my mom wants pie and I want sleep so later, sayonara, ja mata, ja ne (All means bye in Japanese) *Holds up the peace sign and falls over since she has no strength at all right now.