Dec 31, 2004 12:46
Well as YoO Guys kno 2dai iz December 31 nd YoO Kno whats taht means RYTE ? WELL I had alots of fun diz year w/ my friendz nd meeting new 1's in skool nd the Hott boys Ive seen around skool nd stuff nd well that is all gone nd plus I hafta see whats gunna happen in 2005 who knos If I'll be w/ My BoyFriend styll nd sooo on nd Hope taht Jessica nd Richard stay 2gether nd taht my Best Friend Jenn gets a BoyFriend I fukin hate wen people dump her 4 kno fukin reason I juss hate taht shyt sooo bad =( newayz all I hope is taht my lyfe gets str8 nd taht I wont get into fights lyke I usally do wen I get home LoL well I g2g sooo I'll Update 2nite wen itz 2005 well Love YoO Guys =) Byeeeeeee.........
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(((( * Sandra * ))))