
Jan 26, 2005 19:15

Okay.... well skool wuz iight nd sooo taht diz mornin my BestFriend Steven tells my boyfriend 2 hold my hand nd Im lyke no juss leave him alone ryte nd well wen the bell rang he wuz lyke gimme yur hand sooo I did nd well we were walking in the hall 2 1st hr sooo Yeah ...... next subject I dunno my Friend Carrie iz kallin Jenn a BITCH nd which she iznt cuz Carrie iz a Poser no ofence iight soo Yeah newayz I dunno why she iz kallin her a bitch cuz she didnt even do nuthin 2 her sooo she kan kall her taht newayz Yeah muh dai wuz kik ass juss having a lil fun LoL I didnt kno alot of thingz kan happen all in 1 freaking DAY lol srrie newayz I want cookies LoL Im hungry newayz I g2g sooooo ttyl okie Byeeeeeeee...... Love Ya alll Muah ......
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