Blog Shmog

Jun 06, 2005 02:00

So I'm learning how to blog in my english class...How stupid is that? Seriously it's like this stuff except we have to read "professional" blogs and then blog about them. I mean I've been reading peoples' LJ blogs since forever ago and now I have my own. Oh well, I learned how to use the BB discussion board so at least I learned SOMETHING from this stupid assignment. The lesson also says titling blogs is muy importante (I never title but will try now) and that the newest one always seems to be the most important (kind true)

I got to hang with my Raintree neighbors Danny and Siousi (see-ow-see),i know i spelled that wrong, last night, introduced them to Ericka as well. I actually knew Danny from a leadership conference that lasted 4 days waaaaaaaay back in 9th grade. I barely talked to him in 10th grade, then I ran into him at USF and was like hi for 5 seconds, facebook, then he's in my fucking summer comp class and yeah. The world is officially getting progressively smaller and smaller (I already knew that). Anywyas me and Ericka re pumped b/c we'll get to party with footballers for the fall, the white ones anyways ;)

I'm listening to Pink Floyd for the first time. I joined Rhapsody for so my lil mp3 player can be as suited up as all the other ones. Anyways I've decided to truly be open minded and sample music from people that I've heard is good. Pink Floyd s def at the top of a lot of people's list but (I gotta be honest) it sounds kinda weird right now, kinda strung out and not pick me up, Nikki-style at all. Then again I usually like stuff more after the 3rd listen. Other new music for me include Skynyrd, audioslave and weezer. Oh yeah I finally found the title to one of my favorite songs! I always heard it on oldies radio and they never said what it was, grrrrrr. but i found it and triumphed baby! Boooooooooo yeaaaaaaaah! (drumroll please) it is The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. Dont make fun of me if that's really well known, I'll curl up and hide (whimper). anyways drop a comment for more good music to try, por favor!
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