Yesterday I stood outside in the heat wearing far too many layers for my shot at a split-second moment on film. Was I successful? We'll have to wait and see.
The film shoot for The Killer Inside Me was long, hot, and grueling, but I'm still glad I decided to participate. I showed up to the cattle call shortly before 10 a.m. with my hair in rollers. When your hair is only a few inches long, rigging it up into curlers is no easy task -- nor is it a pretty one.
Somehow, the magician/hair-and-make-up artist transformed that mess into this:
To be fair, the only make-up I'm wearing there is brow filler, a sweep of mascara and the lipstick. The rosy cheeks are all my own. Add wardrobe and the end result is this:
I loved the I Love Lucy hair and gorgeous lipstick! Can you believe those curls are the result of my haphazard rolling? The stylist said I had the best roll-up of all. How sweet.
The shoot was a truly interesting experience, but it was thoroughly tiring. We spent about 8 hours walking back and forth up a few blocks of downtown in the heat, ill-fitting shoes and three layers of undergarments. Seriously. Beneath my lovely green dress, I was sporting undies, pantyhose, a girdle of sorts, my bra, a pointy period bra and a slip. Sheesh. How did ladies ever breathe in the '50s? Add on the belt, and you can see why I was struggling for air now and then.
For those interested in star sightings, I did stand mere inches from Casey Affleck. He was good-looking and polite, though you could tell he was tired, too. I also spied Ned Beatty (who spent most of the time inside a car) and Director Michael Winterbottom. Did you know he's British? I loved the accent.
If you're so incline, check me out on the front page of the
or in the video news section on Channel 6 and
Channel 2.
So that was my experience. As much as I enjoyed the dolling up and star spotting, I'm glad to be off my feet in my air-conditioned office today!