I'll be selling at the magical, wonderful
Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar tomorrow! Here are the details in case you can make it to OKC:
Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar
Saturday, May 9, 2009
noon to 6 p.m.
Centennial Building, State Fairgrounds
Oklahoma City
FREE admission!
http://www.deluxeok.net for more info
There will be a ton of amazing Okie sellers trading cash for their goods, goodies and greaties. If you miss it, you'll regret it. It's possible some really cute babies will cry, too. And kittens -- kittens the world over will be sad. You don't want to be responsible for that.
I'll be with some other fabulous
Tulsa Craft Mafia members, so come find me! I'll let you touch my snout. :)