Originally posted by
velvetwhip at
ATTENTION ALL WRITERS ON FANFICTION.NET!!!!!! *****IMPORTANT!!!!!!***** If you have stories posted on fanfiction.net, they've almost certainly been stolen (along with your profiles) by fake websites which are mirroring ff.net and using YOUR work to make money with ads. This is called "spamdexing" and it is WRONG!
These are the websites:
http://www.thebuystock.org/http://www.talkfictions.com/http://fictionavenue.org/http://thanfiction.org/http://thanfiction.org/http://hmofiction.org/ Do NOT log into these fake sites as they will steal your eail and password info. Instead, you need to report them.
Go here:
https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/spamreportform?hl=enPut in the name of the website (one report each)
Write in additional details: This is a spamdexing mirror site to
https://www.fanfiction.net/ and has stolen my profiles and intellectual property.
Click “I am not a robot” and then “Report webspam”
Report more by clicking the link on: Go back to the webspam report form.
These thieves must be stopped!!!!! The more of us who report them, the more likely we can make it happen. I've already reported every single site and I hope you do too.
I'd like to thank the amazing
lilbreck and the OP, wildrhov, on tumblr who alerted me to this travesty.