Catholicism and Doctor Who

Aug 18, 2010 22:07

Background: Hubby was telling me about a thread going on a board he frequents. Some idiot on there was talking about how stupid Catholics were because their calendar marks BC (before Christ) and AD (after death) and is missing 30 or so years.

Me: But... AD... Anno Domini... Year of our Lord... it starts at Christ's birth, yeah?
Hubby: Technically, there is missing time. It goes from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D., there's a missing year 0.
Me: Maybe the Doctor knows what happened to it.
Hubby: It probably went missing when the TARDIS exploded.

And, no, not Catholic (raised non-denominational), but I learned a lot of Latin in choir. Hubby, on the other hand, was raised Catholic.

filtered:public, tv:doctor who, me:religion, me:evil in the comments, series:married conversations, me:wanking in the comments

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