As some of you might know, you can find all of my recs
here at my delicious account. At the bottom of those post will be a copy/paste thing for you to comment with if you want me to read something and maybe put it on my rec list in the future.
Next post will be for Sanctuary, Smallville, and Stargate: Atlantis.
Some of these are older, some of them may be newer. Shall we begin?
Far Away [location: livejournal w/download link]
spikesredqueen rating: FRC
character/pairing: Angel/Fred
summary: Through thick and thin, near and far, Angel and Fred will always be there for one another.
why: Because it made me all girly and mushy. Yes, this is my AtS OTP, what of it?
This Blue Night [location: livejournal]
tesla321 rating: FRM
character/pairing: Angel/Fred with side pairing of Cordy/Gunn
summary: Nice bit of fluff from S3
why: Again, it's probably the bath tub that did it for me.
The Vampire Voyeur (rewrite) [location: personal archive]
velvetwhip rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Angel/Willow/Xander
summary: Angel’s been dreaming about Willow and Xander. But when a pesky happiness clause means he can’t make his dreams come true, what’s a poor vampire to do?
why: Because Angel is a kinky and slightly manipulative vamp even good, just the way I like him. The presence of Xander didn't even bother me.
Fred's Rambling Blues
pt 1 /
pt 2 [location: livejournal]
kats_meow rating: FRM
character/pairing: Fred/Illyria!Spike
summary: What if it was Spike's "shell" that Illyria usurped, and Fred who did the grieving and guiding?
why: I could feel Fred in this one, and, for some reason, love the picture of Spike as played by this old god.
Deep into the Well [location: livejournal]
deird1 rating: FRT
character/pairing: Fred, Angel, Spike
summary: An AU ficlet, from Angel season 5 where Angel and Spike decide to call Illyria back to the well.
why: Because I know that, sometimes, Fred's boys would sometimes put her above anything and everything else. It's not good or right, but it's love.
Goodbye, Spike [location: livejournal]
spikes-evilbint rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Spike
summary: A dark and deeply disturbing account of what The Initiative might have achieved...
why: The summary says why I love it, and it does not lie.
The Weary World Rejoicing [location: personal site]
author: annakovsky
rating: FRT
character/pairing: Xander, Spike, Anya
summary: Christmas, 2003, but in an AU where the events of "The Gift" went very differently.
why: It's an angsty accounting from Xander's POV that makes sense and ends on a slightly hopeful note. Well, as hopeful as it can be at the end of the world as we know it.
Dear Girl [location: Just Rewards archive]
spikeslovebite rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Darla
summary: She was so much more than a pretty face...
why: I love Darla as presented on the show, and this fic just enriches the character even further.
Glowy Green Things //
now with bonus commentary[location: livejournal]
deird1 rating: FRC
character/pairing: Dawn
summary: She couldn’t quite remember what her reasons were, but there’d been a lot of them.
why: It's post series Dawn fading away to what she originally was. It's not sudden, and it's not traumatic. I think that's what makes the most impact. And I don't hate Dawn in this one. In fact, I actually feel for her. And I put in the link to the commentary because I just had to.
Unsaid, Unspoken [location: livejournal]
lerdo rating: FRT
character/pairing: Booth, Brennan, Zack, Cam
summary: This is an episode tag/filler for The Pain in the Heart.
why: This is just pure Brennan through and through at one of the most painful times for her during the show so far.
Doctor Who
Au Revoir [location: livejournal]
mimingdonna rating: FRC
character/pairing: The Doctor [10], The Doctor [11], Donna, Donna II
summary: What can I say? Angst, then happy. Bye bye soon, Ten, we love you *sigh*.
why: In the best of all possible worlds, this would be the resolution. Don't forget to follow the links to the follow up stories at the bottom of the posts, you'll be in for a treat!
The Everyday Things Hurt the Most [location: livejournal]
mystic_fics rating: FRC
character/pairing: The Doctor [10]
summary: A few days after Journey's End.
why: What can I say, I seem to like this incarnation best either when he's hurting, or when he's a bit on the dark side. This one, he's hurting big time.
Fondest Moments [location: livejournal]
katherine_brating: FRC
character/pairing: The Doctor [10]
summary: The Doctor wants to remember.
why: Again, 10 in pain is my drug of choice, especially when he's missing Donna.
Informed Consent [location: A Teaspoon and an Open Mind]
nostalgia_lj rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Doctor(10)/Donna
summary: Donna is infected with alien "sex pollen" and only the Doctor can save her. It's not a happy story.
why: While I love the 'sex pollen made them do it' stories and all their variations, I love ones like this that show that it isn't always a fun romp, and that it can sometimes be so very very bad.
Lipstick Jungle [location: livejournal]
goodbye2pisces rating: FRM
character/pairing: Doctor(10)/Donna
summary: The Doctor and Donna sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.
why: It's so very Doctor and Donna together.
Make Me a Match [location: livejournal]
mimingdonna rating: FRC
character/pairing: The Doctor [10], Donna, the TARDIS
summary: Donna’s first night in the TARDIS. Conversation and food ensues.
why: It's so very them, through and through. Even though it's lighthearted, it's got some angsty moments, much like these two characters together.
Mirror, Mirror [location: livejournal]
makeluvnotsense rating: FRC
character/pairing: The Doctor[10], Donna, Sylvia, Wilf
summary: Fragments of a life without the Doctor.
why: As told from Sylvia's POV after Journey's End and it shows what exactly it is that upsets me about Donna's end there.
Same Mistake [location: livejournal]
hitlikehammers rating: FRT
character/pairing: Eleven/Donna, implied Ten/Donna
summary: He knows best how to break his own rules.
why: It's the Doctor doing something stupid that can only go wrong, but he just can't help himself. *sniff*
Sometimes [location: A Teaspoon and an Open Mind]
author: Apeliotes
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: The Doctor(10)/Donna
summary: Sometimes, when the TARDIS echoes too loudly with the sound of his voice and the answering silence seems more loud and unnatural than usual, he gives in.
why: Because he just can't help himself. I love 10 in pain.
Breakfast and Bats [location: livejournal]
magpiepromise rating: FRT
character/pairing: Mellie/Paul, Echo
summary: none-provided The mood had recovered, swung back around into 'happy, joking' territory and he was extremely grateful for it.
why: Because I love the pairing and the ending kinda makes you gasp when you realize what's probably about to happen.
Buried Along With Her Name [location: livejournal]
ldkirby rating: FRT
character/pairing: Madeline/Paul
summary: Madeline comes home to an empty apartment and an empty life.
why: Because part of me will always want these two together in some form or another.
Pieces of the Sun [location: livejournal]
autumn_whispers rating: FRM
character/pairing: Mellie/Paul
summary: The evolution of Mellie and Paul over the years.
why: Because it's just as bittersweet, if not more so, than their relationship on the now. *sniff*
This November Thing [location: livejournal]
azuraangel05 rating: FRT
character/pairing: Mellie, November, Madeline
summary: Mellie, November and the someone before, here's a piece, there's a piece.
why: It's a heart-breaking glimpse at what's inside Madeline/November/Mellie. I really want her character back for S2.
Watch the Sunlight Filter Through [location: livejournal]
antiqueskies rating: FRC
character/pairing: Mellie/Paul, Madeline/Paul
summary: non-provided This woman is not Mellie, is not November, is not every other person she's ever been.
why: It's my love of this pairing in any form. Though I have the pairing as Madeline/Paul, she's given a different name in this fic. Just didn't want you thrown for a loop wondering why I'm doing you wrong on the pairings.
Dresden Files
In The Still Of The Night [location: The Archive]
author: GusTheMoose
rating: FRM
character/pairing: TV!verse; Harry/Murphy
summary: Murphy is pinned against the wall of Harry’s hallway, clinging to his arms as she kisses him back just as desperately as he’s kissing her.
why: This is my OTP for both book and show. However, Thomas/Justine comes in a close second, tied with Charity/Michael.
Soft, Lovely, Gentle, Kind [location: The Archive]
author: GusTheMoose
rating: FRC
character/pairing: TV!verse, Connie Murphy
summary: Murphy needs to be touched.
why: It explores Murphy's reaction to a very human need and how alone she feels. *sniff*
Harry Potter
Complete [location: livejournal]
heather11483 rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione/Ron
summary: She can't sleep without them there.
why: I usually don't like Ron, but when paired with both Harry and Hermione, I adore it. Or with Luna, but that's not this story. They're all older from the war, and very much needing each other. And, I like that Hermione isn't the one leading in this, it kinda makes sense to me that this would be the one area she's being led by her boys in.
He Could Always Read Her [location: livejournal]
atruwriter rating: FRT
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione, Luna/Ron
summary: Harry could always read Hermione's face like a book. Before long he was using her expressions to gauge whether a relationship should end or continue. Finally, he finds the one woman she couldn't possibly deny him. The only woman he's ever loved. Her.
why: I've got a severe soft spot for Harry pursuing Hermione, and this one does it beautifully.
Home With Me [location: livejournal]
parkergray rating: FRC
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: If I could be your one and only.
why: It's very simple and so very them, in my mind.
The Last Time [location: livejournal]
inell rating: FRC
character/pairing: Hermione/James
summary: This is the last time that she’ll visit this room.
why: It's angsty and impossible. And it helps that it was written for me.
Learning Curve [location: Portkey]
author: quite_grey
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: There's no telling where teaching ends and learning begins. Written for the prompt, "A potion or a spell goes wrong and Harry is turned into a girl. Hermione is fascinated."
why: Gender-bending with Harry and Hermione, what's not to love?
Other Hallways & Momentary Lapse In Concentration [location: livejournal]
ygrawn rating: FRT
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: There will be other hallways and warmer days. / Criminally stupid because he is usually so careful, so overly careful and cautious.
why: Because these are both great little moments where Harry and Hermione could have started as a couple. The first one is a bit angsty, the second is cute and funny.
Perspective [location: livejournal]
author: heather11483
rating: FRT
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: None too late, Harry gets a reminder of how much Hermione means to him.
why: It's a nice story that shows Harry and Hermione in a relationship that is on the verge of fading away, but it shows that it doesn't have to.
Spinster [location: Restricted Section, account needed]
author: Ladyofthemasque
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Hermione/Severus
summary: You know what they say about a woman who prefers to live with her cat.
why: While a very good story, the quotation marks and other various non-alphabet characters come up as question marks for me. So, if you have the patience to deal with that, I'd definitely recommend it.
What Can I Tell You [location: livejournal]
author: ygrawn
rating: FRT
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: It takes Harry almost four and a half years to find the courage to finally kiss Hermione and he mostly does it because she thinks nobody will ever love her now that Ron is gone.
why: Just... ouch.
When I Fall [location: personal archive]
author: tourniquette
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Harry/Hermione
summary: Harry ended his relationship with Draco, and Ron has broken Hermione's heart for the last time. Hermione decides that misery loves company. She doesn't realize that Harry likes girls, too...and one girl in particular above all others. Includes drunken humour, semi-public makeout sessions and vague mentions of Bayswater.
why: Porn, drunken groping, and a not really awkward morning after.
Atonement [location: Dokuga]
author: Miss Kagura
rating: FRM
character/pairing: Kagome/Sesshoumaru
summary: Inuyasha has taken the only person his brother has ever cared about. He will make his amends by surrendering the one person he can't live without...
why: The story is involved and painful along the way, but the biggest punch doesn't come until the very end.
Accidents Waiting to Happen [location:]
author: Resmiranda
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Rin/Sesshoumaru
summary: ...Oopsie.
why: This involves an older Rin that somehow manages to stay true to her character, IMO.
Fugue [location:]
author: Resmiranda
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Kagome/Sesshoumaru
summary: The present revolves around the past; truth and remembrance are two different things. After the well closes forever, Kagome finds a familiar face in the present era.
why: This is not a happy story, and these two aren't in love, and it really isn't about each other. And the flashbacks only make it that much more moody and dark. Lovely.
Tales From the House of the Moon [location:]
author: Resmiranda
rating: FRAO
character/pairing: Kagome/Sesshoumaru
summary: Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales?
why: Long and flowing, it hurts even as it gives hope. The characters are very well developed.
Dropping Thimbles [location:]
author: PallaPlease
rating: FRC
character/pairing: Jareth/Sarah
summary: For Sarah the form of nightmares is not a deadly maze but a king in a crumbling ballroom.
why: It makes sense that this is what Sarah's nightmare would be.
Struggling to Breathe [location:]
author: Ria_chan
rating: FRT
character/pairing: Jareth/Sarah
summary: A reflection in the mirror that wasn't her own. A drawing she knew she never did. A fragile glass ball on her dresser, gleaming with a light that haunted her dreams. "I wish..."
why: Because you know that Sarah can never truly escape the labyrinth or it's king.
If you want to rec something to me, feel free to use this formatting: